Last month I celebrated 8 years of blogging. I didn't feel like writing a blog post because I'm not that active here, but I feel like I want this to change. These days I felt such a strong inspiration to write again, I miss it so much! I miss having the time to just sit down and write something and as this is way easier than editing a video, I feel like I could do this a couple of times per week. 
What do you think? Do people still read blogs? Your feedback would really help me on this one.
I moved most of my writing creativity on Instagram, but I feel like I could still be active here too.

So if I'm here now talking about stuff, I also want to present my "365 Days of Outfits Project".
This was inspired by one of my favorite people on Instagram - @dearlybethany and I am going to take an outfit picture everyday for a year. 

I have a reason behind it, of course.
This is for all the years I didn’t have the courage to post outfit pictures because I felt too fat to do that. Fat girls shouldn’t take outfit pictures right? WRONG! Fuck that! I wish I would have had the same love for myself a few years ago.
When I started my blog back in 2010 I was young and insecure. I would have loved to write about fashion too, but I had little to no self esteem so I almost never showed outfit posts. And the few times I did, a single bad comment ruined my entire week, not only my day! 
Now we're in 2018 and I'm 30. I couldn’t care less about hate comments. I know it’s not about me. I am mid-way on a journey to a better life and a better me. I am healthier and stronger and I love the body I am in day by day a little bit more. Putting the effort to lose weight and do sports makes me understand how strong my body & mind actually are. I hope this is reflecting on me on the outside too in what I share here and that it will pass through your screen and give you a big virtual hug. We are all beautiful! Our body is the only one we’ll ever be in and we should love every little centimeter of it! 
I really hope you'll like this little personal project and that you'll follow along. 

I am on day 13 now and here are a few of my favorite outfits from these days. It's super interesting to see yourself through the lens of the camera. It gives you like an "outside" perspective. And I think that in time I will also be able to contour my style better and make a clearer idea of what I like and what I don't.


[RO] Luna trecuta am aniversat 8 ani de blogging. As fi vrut sa scriu o postare despre asta, dar am simtit ca nu ar fi corect sa fac asta, avand in vedere ca scriu foarte rar pe blog in ultima perioada. Zilele acestea am simtit un dor intens de a scrie din nou pe blog. Mi-e dor de zilele in care puteam sa stau linistita in fata calculatorului sa scriu articole aici. Si inca nici nu am copii! Ce ma voi face atunci?
Totusi, avand in vedere ca a scrie cateva ganduri pe blog este mai usor decat sa editezi un video, simt ca as putea sa fac asta de maxim doua ori pe saptamana. 
Voi ce credeti? Mai citeste lumea bloguri? Feedback-ul vostru chiar m-ar ajuta sa stiu ce sa fac pe mai departe.
Acum mi-am transpus creativitatea ce as avea-o pe blog pe profilul meu de Instagram, unde de obicei fiecare poza vine cu o descriere lunga sau cu un mini diary pentru ziua respectiva, dar am senzatia ca as putea face asta din cand in cand si  pe aici. 

Si daca tot am poposit pe aici sa va mai povestesc una-alta, vreau sa va prezint si noul meu proiect "365 Days of Outfits". Acesta a fost inspirat de una dintre persoanele mele preferate de pe Instagram, si anume @dearlybethany si practic am sa imi pozez outfit-ul in fiecare zi, timp de un an. 

Am si un motiv in spatele acestui proiect, bineinteles.
Este o provocare si o "razbunare" pentru toti anii de blogging in care mi-am dorit sa fac asta, insa nu am avut curajul, deoarece ma consideram prea grasa. Fetele grase/plinute nu ar trebui sa se pozeze intregi, adevarat? NIMIC MAI GRESIT! Mi-as fi dorit sa am aceeasi iubire de sine pe care o am acum si acum 8 ani, cand mi-as fi dorit sa fac asta, dar in schimb ma limitam doar la machiaj. 
Cand am pornit acest blog in 2010 eram o fata tanara, care abia incepuse facultatea si eram plina de complexe. Un singur comentariu negativ era suficient pentru a imi strica ziua, uneori chiar saptamana. Si le primeam, fara doar si poate, de cate ori aveam "curajul" sa ma postez intreaga pe blog. 
Suntem in 2018 acum, am 30 de ani si ma doare undeva de comentariile negative! Acum stiu ca nu sunt despre mine si ca pornesc din frustrari personale. Sunt la jumatatea calatoriei spre un corp si o minte mai sanatoasa. Sunt mai sanatoasa si mai puternica si invat sa imi iubesc corpul in fiecare zi un pic mai mult. Depundand efortul de a slabi & trai sanatos ma fac sa inteleg cat de puternica sunt atat in interior, cat si la exterior. Sper ca asta sa se reflecte si in exterior si sa va ofer mereu doar vibe-uri bune si pozitivitate. Pentru ca toti suntem frumosi si ar trebui sa ne iubim asa cum suntem. Iar eu am sa ma lupt sa va arat asta atat voua, cat si mie. In fiecare zi!

Revenind la proiect, am ajuns la ziua 13 si pot spune deja ca este foarte interesant sa te privesti in fiecare zi si din "exterior", prin lentilele unui aparat. Sunt sigura ca in timp ma va ajuta sa imi dau seama mai bine ce imi place si ce nu, ce imi sta cel mai bine si de asemenea, sa imi conturez un stil personal mai puternic. 
Iata cateva din outfit-urile pe care le-am purtat zilele trecute:

 Blouse: Stradivarius; Jeans: H&M; Shoes: H&M; Bag: H&M; Bracelet: Pandora; Watch: Fitibit; Ring: C&A

T-Shirt: New Yorker, Skirt: H&M, Espadrilles: Stradivarius; Bracelet: Pandora, Watch: Fitbit Versa; Necklace: no name; Bag: H&M

Blouse: Takko (old); Pants: H&M; Espadrilles: Stradivarius; Bag: Camaieu (old); Earrings: H&M; Bracelet: Bershka (old); Watch: Fitbit Versa

Blouse: H&M; Jeans: Zara, Shoes: Deichmann; Bracelets: Aliexpress 

T-shirt: Zara; Pants: H&M; Sandals: H&M; Bracelet: Avon; Watch: Fitbit Versa; Necklace: Bershka

Blouse: H&M; Skirt: Stradivarius; Espadrilles: Stradivarius; Belt: I don't remember and it's old; Coin Necklace: H&M



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