I grew up as a child full of insecurities, and one of my biggest ones was to appear in a swimsuit, even though, ironically, swimming is one of my biggest hobbies. I love water and i could sit there for hours.
I would be a hypocrite to say i am fully confident on the beach now, but I have definitely improved over the years with the way I love myself. This is the only body i will be in for the rest of my life, so i might as well love it in all its forms!

Fortunately, all the curvy girls like me have now a lot more options for swimsuits that actually can compliment our body and look good on us. I have prepared a list of 10 types of beautiful swimsuits, with totally different styles that hopefully will convince you to embrace your beautiful body, no matter what size you wear!

 This swimsuit will make any type of body look AMAZING and it will accentuate your beautiful curves.
You can find it HERE.

 The stripe print swimsuits always remind me of a sailor, even if it's black & white or blue & white and I find them flattering on anybody, even if you're curvy or skinny. This one in particular will take all the attention on the upper side and not on your tummy or hips.
You can find it HERE.

I think that for this one, the picture speaks for itself. The cuts will make you look slimmer and will give the illusion of a hourglass figure.
You can find it HERE.

 If you have a smaller bust, this one will be perfect for you. And it's soooo in trend right now!
You can find it HERE.

 I think i like this one the most, because you can create sooo many styles with just one swimsuit. The long straps will give you support and it will give you the option to choose the style that suits your body perfectly.
You can find it HERE.

This one is so fun and youthful. What i like about it is that it looks like a two piece swimsuit, but it isn't. Also, if you have a bigger cup size and you're worried about the support, it has a strap too.
You can find it HERE.

 If you want the convenience of a two piece swimsuit and the comfort that a one piece gives you, you can simply choose a tankini. It hides all the areas you might be concerned about and it's very practical!
You can find it HERE.

 If you're not the one piece swimsuit kind of gal, then this multi strap 2 piece set will probably get you interested. It has a high waisted bikini and the bra is so fashionable that it will get all the attention. Also, i like the strap detail from the bottoms.
You can find it HERE

 Just...BEAUTIFUL. And sexy. And feminine! And very flattering.
You can find it HERE.


And if the hips area is the most concerning part for you or you just feel like you show too much, of course i have an option for you too. A skort! It hides away all your insecurities and it will also look awesome!
You can find it HERE.

If you want to see more swimwear styles, click HERE.

Big, big hugs,

MUSIC TRAVEL FESTIVAL este o petrecere de 72 de ore, masurata in mii de batai de inima pe secunda! Scene live, performante artistice, DJ renumiti, mancare exceptionala si experiente de neuitat te asteapta pe tine si prietenii tai!

Daca esti:

- "the open minded music enthusiast";
- "the free spirit", mereu calatorind pentru a-ti vedea trupele preferate;
- "the festival lover", mereu in cautarea noilor aventuri;
- "the adrenaline junkie", mereu dornic sa colectionezi amintiri;
- "the restless wanderer", mereu indragostit de viata;
- "the rebel", omul caruia nu ii pasa de timp, spatiu sau reguli. Doar muzica!

Atunci festivalul acesta este PENTRU TINE!

Vei avea ocazia sa intalnesti trupe ca Chase & Status (preferatii mei, daca ma intrebati pe mine), Dub Pistols, Asian Dub Foundation, Foreign Beggars, dar si toate trupele tale romanesti preferate.

Tot ce trebuie sa faci pentru a castiga doua bilete (pentru tine si cine doreste inimioara ta) la Music Travel Festival este:

- Sa fii subscriber-ul meu pe Youtube (link AICI)
- Sa lasi un comentariu (in sectiunea de comentarii de la aceast articol), in care sa imi spui ce trupa doresti sa vezi la Music Travel Festival, dar si numele cu care mi-ai dat subscribe pe Youtube.

Deadline: 16.06.2017, ora 23.59
Castigatorul va fi ales in mod aleatoriu.

Multumesc pentru participare si mult, mult succes!

P.S.: Daca vrei sa fii pregatit pentru un festival de muzica, eu ti-am pregatit un mic ghid, pe care il poti vedea in video-ul de mai jos! 

Castigatorul a doua bilete la Music Travel Festival esteeeeeeeeeee:

Iti scriu pe mail!

Hai, va pup! See you there!

Pentru ca nu am mai fost de 100 de ani la Jumbo si pentru ca mi-era tare dor, dar in acelasi timp aveam nevoie de niste cutii pentru organizare, atat pentru noul dulap de machiaj cat si pentru a depozita lenjerie intima, am dat o fuga pana in "paradisul-mancator-de-salariu". Cu ce m-am intors puteti vedea in clipul de mai jos!


Fiecare sezon Sephora vine mereu cu o gramada de noutati si este o placere pentru mine sa le incerc pe toate, dar si sa va povestesc despre ele. De data aceasta veti gasi si un giveaway dragut, la sfarsitul celui de-al doilea clip. Inscrierile se fac pe Youtube. Mult succes and big hugs!

Lots of kisses,


Bonusway este unul dintre cele mai mari site-uri de cashback din România. Cuvântul cashback este cuvântul englezesc și înseamnă „banii înapoi“. Cashout funcționează începând cu anul 2012, fiind unul dintre primele și în prezent, unul dintre cele mai populare site-uri de cashback din România. In clipul de mai jos va prezint parerea mea despre aceasta platforma si un mic tutorial de utilizare.

Hi, friends!

In january I started this new section on my blog and it looks like life interrupted me again, cause I wasn't able to keep it up and I skipped the february post. Fortunately, this time it was in a good way. Life is good sometimes. 


  • Just moved in with my boyfriend. It was a mess, in my head and in the apartment and I couldn't imagine that moving is soooo hard. I officially hate it! :)) We're almost done with everything though, just waiting for another set of shelves to tidy some random things up and we're good to go! Already feel like home and i am so happy to live in a house neighbourhood again, i missed it so much!
  • I have soooo much light in the apartment and i will be able to film videos again. This is the best news ever, cause i miss it A LOT! I just have to wait for the cupboard, to be able to have a background too. I also want to start weekly vlogs, but first i need a decent camera for that.
  • I am so happy with the weather and with the fact that i am able to arrive to work in 20 minutes with my bike.
  • I went to Timisoara after 2 months and it was SUCH A PLEASURE TO BE THERE! I love my city so much and if it wasn't for the career possibilities in Bucharest, i'll be back in an instant. My city is amazing! My boyfriend was there for the first time and he loved it too, so i am not completely subjective here. :)) The weather was perfect, seeing my family, my friends, going to my favorite places, everything was perfect. It was very hard to come back this time, but here is my second home now and it isn't bad either, don't get me wrong. It's just that..home will always be home.
  • I've seen the girls more (Stefana and Denisa). Lately i had the impression that all i did was work-work-work and it was such a relief to be able to see them and have a bit of girl talk. I recuperated in Timisoara too, with my friends, of course.
  • Going in parks (both in Timisoara and Bucharest) and enjoying spring.


  • All the work-oldapartment-newapartment routes annoyed me a bit. Very tiring. But fortunately, it's over now.

What were the good and bad parts for you in March?


Hellou, hellou!

The NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams have a special place in my heart, because they are the first liquid matte lipsticks i have ever tried. I remember being fascinated about the concept and applying them like a crazy person every-single-day. Even though outher formulas were released in these years since they launched, i still love them. They have pro's and con's though, you'll see!

My general opinion about them would be:
- they last for more than 5 hours, depending on the color. Some of them are really resistant, even if you eat, others dissapear more easily;
- they don't dry the lips as much as other cream liquid lipsticks;
- a large variaty of colors;
- they dry completely matte, but they take a longer time than othe liquid on the market. 10 minutes or so. Again, it depends on the color.
- most of the colors are very pigmented, excepting a few dark colors, like Moscow for example (it's the wooorst!)

My favorite colors would be: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Antwerp, Monte Carlo, Addis Ababa, Prague, Copenhagen, Morocco, Budapest, Seoul, Manila.

Enjoy the video with the swatches:



New year, new me, or so they say! 
Nu pot sa spun ca am prea multe rezolutii anul acesta, ci mai degraba sunt cateva schimbari pe care vreau sa le fac nu pentru ca incepe anul, ci mai degraba pentru ca simt ca este cazul. Imi este dor de voi, imi este dor sa scriu si imi este dor sa filmez. La partea cu filmatul in continuare am parte de mici impedimente, insa nu ma opreste nimeni sa scriu, nu? 

Intr-o incercare de-a ma pune pe picioare cu blogul si de a imi re-intra in rutina obisnuita, m-am gandit la aceasta serie lunara, in care am sa va mai povestesc ce se mai intampla in viata mea, cu bune si cu rele. Renuntam la postarile Instalife (oare le mai face cineva?) si mai vorbim despre una, despre alta. Ca doar va spuneam că imi doresc să mai fac mici schimbari pe aici si sa mai vorbim si despre altceva.

  • Luna ianuarie a fost una minunata per total si am inceput anul cum nu se putea mai bine. Great start pentru un nou an.
  • Zapada de afara. Intr-un mod ciudat, chiar m-am bucurat de ea. Este neobisnuit pentru mine sa vad atata zapada si cumva sunt convinsa ca in Timisoara nu am avut parte vreodata (de cand sunt eu constienta de existenta mea, evident) de zapada in cantitati atat de mari. Este aproape o luna de cand a nins. Zapada rezista;
  • Am gatit mai mult decat de obicei. Asta si din cauza singurului "low" din luna aceasta, dar si pentru ca imi doresc sa mananc mai sanatos;
  • Am inceput un bullet journal, datorita prietenei mele Stefana, de la The Pretty Blossoms. Sunt foarte entuziasmata de el si sunt sigura ca ma va ajuta in toate aspectele vietii. Sunt o fire un pic aeriana si tind sa o iau pe carari daca nu imi pun totul pe foaie, asa ca varianta asta este perfecta pentru mine si ma va relaxa, pentru ca imi place sa desenez. Sunt si o fire anxioasa, si ma ajuta si in aceasta privinta. Daca sunteti interesate, voi face postari si video-uri despre asta in viitor. Deocamdata abia ma obisnuiesc si eu cu acest concept.
  • Lily: mereu un high, evident. Insa luna aceasta am observat cel mai tare cat de mult s-a cumintit si maturizat. Acum pot sa o tin in brate si sa ne iubim, lucru pe care in perioada ei de copilarie nu a fost posibil sub nicio forma. :))
  • Am mai golit putin dulapul si am luat niste decizii de bun simt in privinta shopping-ului. Ca sa fiu mai exacta, de acum, daca vreau o pereche noua de pantofi, trebuie sa arunc una veche, ca sa ii fac loc celei noi. Ma va face sa ma gandesc de 2 ori, cu siguranta (ne rugam la toti sfintii sa imi si iasa!).
  • My job. Lucrez in domeniul marketing-ului si sunt la inceput. Am avut norocul sa ma angajez la o companie care are o mare legatura cu lumea beauty blogging-ului si ma bucur sa am ocazia sa vad insights-urile unui departament de marketing, cu tot ce vine el. Mult mai complex decat credeam, trebuie sa recunosc.
  • Rico, prietena mea cea mai buna din copilarie a venit IN SFARSIT in vizita la Bucuresti. Si i-a placut. :)
  • Maraton Harry Potter, impreuna cu iubitul meu. Doamne, ce dor mi-a fost!
  • Falling in love and enjoying a healthy relationship.

  • Viata ca la 20 de ani. Doar ca modificam un pic faimoasa melodie: CU griji si FARA BANI. Oh, sweet January! 
  • Nu m-am tuns nici luna asta...
  • Atat. :)

Care au fost partile bune si partile rele pentru voi in luna ianuarie? 

P.S..: Incepand cu postarea urmatoare, imi voi tine blogul doar in limba engleza. Daca voi face review-uri si timpul imi va permite, am sa incerc sa le fac si in romaneste si in engleza. Canalul de Youtube va ramane in continuare in limba romana, cel putin deocamdata. Tot ce pot sa sper este sa ma urmariti in continuare, chiar si cu aceste schimbari.
