Golden Tones Summer Makeup | Machiaj de vara

Din pacate, trece prea mult timp intre postarile mele cu machiaje in ultima perioada. Mi-ar placea sa mai am timpul din facultate, sa fiu creativa, sa fac lucruri artistice...ahhh ce vremuri! 
Astazi public un machiaj facut de ceva timp, insa pe care nu am apucat sa vi-l arat pana acum! Si trebuie sa recunosc, o perioada chiar am uitat ca l-am facut, cu poze step by step si tot tacamul! :)) L-am regasit zilele astea, si la o privire mai atenta, mi se pare perfect pentru vara! E neutru, dar in tonuri aurii si cu pete de culoare. Mie imi place tare mult ce a iesit si abia astept sa aflu daca va place si voua! Big hugs! ♥

Unfortunately, too much time passes between my make-up looks lately! I would love to go back to my college period, when I had so much time to do make-up looks and artistic stuff...ahhh, those were the good times!
Today I want to show you a make-up look that I made a while ago, but I couldn't find the time to publish it! I have to admit, at some point I completely forgot about it! And I did step by step pics and all that jazz! I guess I'm a hot mess...:)) Anyway, I found it again these days, and I thought that it looks perfect for the summer time: gold tones with a pop of colour! Just my style! I really love the result and I can't wait to find out if you love it too! ♥

Step by step:

Products used / Produse folosite:

With love,


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