Surprise, surprise...I have a new BB cream review for you guys today!:)) However, this time I will talk about one of my favorite brands for asian BB Creams - Missha. I have already made a review for the Perfect Cover BB Cream HERE (which I absolutely love) and today I will give you my oppinions about the Signature Real Complete BB Cream, the hypoallergenic version.
Veti fi foarte surprinse cred, dar...astazi am pregatit inca un review despre un BB cream. :)) Totusi, vreau sa va vorbesc despre unul dintre brand-urile mele preferate pentru BB cream-uri asiatice - Missha! Am facut deja un review pentru Perfect Cover BB Cream (AICI), iar astazi a venit randul sa vorbesc despre Signature Real Complete BB Cream, varianta hiopalergenica si putin mai fancy. :)
Just to be clear: Missha is amazing! :)) Leaving aside the product itself, just look at that packaging! Love!!!
Ok, now we can go on...) Missha Signature BB Cream is just as good as the Perfect Cover BB Cream (maybe just a little better because it's a little bit more expensive and it has better ingredients in it), but I find that this one has a lighter formula, more like a foundation, but it still has that density of an asian bb cream and of course, the benefits. This one is paraben-free, alcohol free, non-chemical, mineral oil-free and it has SPF 25 PA++! So basically, it's hypoallergenic. Amaaaazing!:)
Ca sa facem lucrurile clare inca de la inceput: Missha e amazing!!! Punct. :)) Lasand la o parte produsul in sine, doar uitati-va la ambalajul acela minunat! Love!!!
Ok, acum ca am spus ce am pe suflet pot sa continui!:)). Missha Signature BB Cream este la fel de bun ca fratele sau, Perfect cover BB Cream (daca nu mai bun, pentru ca este o idee mai scump si are ingrediente mai bune), insa are o textura mai light, mai asemanatoare cu cea a fondurilor de ten. Si desi are textura aceasta mai usoara, isi pastreaza densitatea, puterea de acoperire si beneficiile renumite ale BB cream-urilor asiatice.
Un alt lucru minunat este acela ca Signature BB Cream este hipoalergenic si are ingrediente benefice pentru ten in el. Pe scurt: nu are parabeni, nu contine alcool, nu contine chimicale, nu contine uleiuri minerale si are SPF 25 PA++. Minunat, as zice eu! Am simtit-o pe tenul meu!:X
Also, because it has a lighter consistency, I find it better for my oily skin than the Perfect Cover one (even though I still like both). And if you think because it's lighter it has a lower coverage power, you're wrong, it covers just as good as the Perfect Cover and it looks natural on the skin! Big like!
De asemenea, deoarece are o consistenta mai usoara, este si mai potrivit pentru tenul gras decat cel Perfect Cover (desi mie personal imi plac amandoua). Si nu va speriati, sa nu va ganditi ca daca este mai light nu acopera bine, ba din contra, acopera la fel de bine ca si "fratele sau". Si lucrul cel mai important: arata natural pe ten! Un mare plus din partea mea!:X
Another thing that I like about this BB Cream is that one pump (max. 1 1/2 pumps) is more than enough to cover your entire face. That doesn't happen with normal foundations or western BB creams.
Inca un lucru care imi place despre acest BB Cream este faptul ca o cantitate foarte mica este suficienta pentru a acoperi intreaga fata (o singura apasare pe pompita sau una si jumatate in functie de cat vreau sa acopar in ziua respectiva). Acest lucru nu se prea intampla cu fondurile de ten obisunuite sau cu BB cream-urile "drugstore".
As the packaging goes, the tube for the Signature BB Cream is hard and you can't press on it like on the Perfect cover BB Cream. It almost looks like glass and I love that! I find it really pretty and girly and perfect for your vanity table next to a bottle of perfume. :)
In ceea ce priveste ambalajul, tubul de la Signature BB cream este dur si nu poti apasa pe el ca in cazul celui Perfect Cover. Aproape arata ca sticla si personal ador aspectul asta! Este foarte feminin si dragut si il gasesc perfect pentru masuta mea de cosmetice, alaturi de o sticla la fel de frumoasa de parfum. :X
You can find this BB Cream HERE, for $29.
Puteti sa gasiti acest BB Cream AICI, la pretul de aprox. 95 lei ($29).
Below, you have a swatch for this BB cream and also a make-up tutorial in which I used it:
Mai jos aveti un swatch cu acest BB cream si de asemenea, un tutorial in care am folosit acest produs:
Tutorial HERE!
If you would ask me which one I like the most from the two, I'm not sure that I would be able to say, because I love both of them with all my heart and I will always have at least one Missha BB cream in my collection!
Daca m-ati intreba care dintre cele doua imi place mai mult, nu stiu daca as fi in stare sa va spun, pentru ca le iubesc pe ambele din tot sufletul si stiu sigur ca de acum inainte voi avea mereu un BB Cream Missha in colectia mea de machiaj!
Have you tried Missha BB Creams? Do you like them?
Voi ati incercat BB Cream-uri de la Missha? Ce parere aveti despre ele?
*produsul a fost primit spre testare. Daca aveti nelamuriri, va rog sa vizitati sectiunea "disclaimer" / the product was received for testing purposes. If you have any concerns, please visit the "disclaimer" page.
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