Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un alt produs marca Jelousness de care m-am indragostit! Este vorba despre un fond de ten compact, care din punctul meu este la granita intre pudra si un fond de ten. Sunteti curioase de ce imi place?
Today I want to talk about a new product from Jealousness that I love! It's a compact founation but from my point of view it's a powder with high coverage power. Are you curious why I like it?
Well, fetele cu ten gras si oarecum problematic ma vor intelege! Imi place ca pudrele pe care le folosesc sa aiba efect matifiant si sa aiba o oarecare putere de acoperire (in special iarna), iar aceasta imi indeplineste aceste dorinte!
De cand o am o iau in fiecare zi cu mine la lucru si este singura care imi face machiajul sa para proaspat dupa 10-11 ore de la aplicare (pentru ca atat dureaza in cazul meu o zi de lucru).
Well, I know the girls with oily skin will totally understand this, but I like my powders to give me a matte finish and if it's possible, to have a little coverage power.
So that's why I like this product, because it gives me everything I need! It's the only one that makes my make-up look fresh after 10-11 hours of work (because that's how much a day of work lasts for me) and that means a lot to me!
Official description:
"Jealousness Pure Flawless Whitening Two-Way Foundation is a compact powder that naturally covers unevenness with a feather-light, silky texture. Its unique formula makes it easy to create a naturally flawless, pore-perfecting finish. Moisturisers keep skin looking supple without caking all day long. Three whitening ingredients creates radiant and beautiful skin from within. Hypoallergenic."
- daca doriti sa o aplicati mai light, peste fond de ten, recomand sa o aplicati cu o pensula kabuki;
- daca doriti un efect de acoperire, va recomand sa o aplicati cu buretelul din dotare, deoarece ofera putere mult mai mare de acoperire si un efect de fond de ten.
In ceea ce priveste efectul de albire, eu nu l-am observat, este pur si simplu o pudra normala, intr-o nuanta care din fericire mi se potriveste perfect.
De asemenea, am observat un efect de micsorare a porilor dupa ce o folosesc, iar acesta nu poate fi decat un lucru bun! ♥
- if you want to apply this product lightly, you should use it with a kabuki brush;
- but if you want high coverage, use it with the sponge, because it gives a full-cover effect and it has a pore minimising effect!
- from my point of view it's not whitening, it's just a normal powder/foundation that has coverage power. However, the shade P02 fits me perfectly!
You can find this foundation HERE, for $23.90.
Puteti gasi acest fon de ten/pudra AICI, la pretul de $23.90.
*produsul a fost primit spre testare. Daca aveti nelamuriri, va rog sa vizitati sectiunea "disclaimer" / the product was received for testing purposes. If you have any concerns, please visit the "disclaimer" page.
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