Soul to soul!

Astazi sunt intr-o stare visatoare...probabil mi se trage de la ploaia de afara? Cine stie...
Motivul pentru care scriu aceste randuri este din cauza acestui articol, citit pe un blog de care m-am indragostit instant:

Today I'm in a dreamy kind of maybe because of this rainy weather...or who knows...
Anyway, the reason for writing this today is because of this blog post:

"and when you’re in your twenties, i hope you buy a plane ticket to paris. i hope you get lost wandering all of the streets. i hope you travel the world and read lots of new books.  i hope you have interesting conversations over warm cups of tea.  i hope you drink out of mason jars while dancing barefoot in the grass. i hope you have a water fight in central park. set goals and change them. quit your day job. i hope you don’t do any of these things or that you do them all.write a book. change your mind. start new friendships and let go of the ones that you need to. say goodbye to all of the things that have kept you stagnant and vow to keep moving forward. "
*tot articolul AICI / read the entire blog post HERE!

Mereu mi-am dorit sa imi pot exprima astfel sentimentele in scris. A spus tot ce simt fara ca poate sa-mi fi dat seama pana atunci ca simt lucrurile astea.  Mi-a atins sufletul tocmai pentru ca am 25 de ani si uneori simt ca nu mi-am gasit locul. Este o perioada foarte dificila pentru un tanar, din toate punctele de vedere! Realizez ca inevitabil avem tendinta sa ne comparam cu cei de aproximativ aceeasi varsta din jurul nostru: cei care au deja o masina, cei ce castiga suficient la varsta la care tu abia te pui pe picioare, cei care isi formeaza o familie, cei care au reusit pe plan profesional exact acel lucru la care tu asa mai departe...
Si tot gandindu-ma la asta realizez ca nu ne putem compara cu nimeni...avem drumul nostru, pe care trebuie sa-l gasesim si sa-l urmam, si pentru care trebuie sa luptam! 

I always wanted to express my feelings in writing like that...that girl said all that I felt, without me even knowing that I feel that! She touched my soul exactly because I'm 25 and sometimes...I feel like I don't belong, like I didn't find my right path! It's a difficult period for everyone at this age, no mather how you look at it! We tend to compare ourselves with others: the ones that already have a car, the ones that  earn well when you are just starting to put your life together, the ones that start a family or the ones that live your dream regarding your career...and so on and so forth!

Vreau sa va dau un exemplu mine! Desi acum lucrez in domeniul mult dorit de mine inca din liceu (turismul), oare mai este de ajuns pentru mine? De atunci s-au intamplat deschis un blog care mi-a adus atatea oportunitati in acesti trei ani, am descoperit pasiunea mea imensa pentru make-up si arta si brusc am realizat...turismul si visul unei cariere doar in acest domeniu a ramas pe locul doi! Prioritatile noastre se schimba...

I want to give you an example...ME! Although now I work in tourism and this is what I wanted since high it enough for me right now??? Since then a lot has happened...I made this blog that has brought me so much joy and so many opportunities, I discovered my passion for makeup and art and suddenly...I realise...the dream of working in tourism is not enough for me priorities have changed!!!

Am suferit toata vara pentru ca nu am avut suficient timp sa postez si am simtit cum raman incet, incet in urma in aceasta minunata lume de care nu vreau sa ma despart vreodata! Asa ca astazi am avut o revelatie...voi lupta pentru ce imi doresc si voi lupta sa imi implinesc visele ori aici, in Romania, ori in alta tara daca este nevoie! Ma voi lasa condusa doar de pasiunea mea, nu ma voi compara cu altii si voi incerca sa ajung exact acolo unde imi doresc! Iar pentru asta voi lupta cu toate puterile mele! Nu sunt la 25 de ani unde am crezut ca voi fi pe cand aveam 18, insa sunt pe drumul cel bun...stiu ce iubesc si ce imi doresc si stiu ca nu trebuie sa urmez nicio regula si niciun exemplu! Munca si gandirea pozitiva ma vor duce pe drumul cel bun! Ma voi face auzita! :)

I suffered all summer because I didn't have time to write on this blog as much as I wanted and I felt I'm losing track with this beautiful world that I do not want to leave ever! So I had a revelation...I will fight for what I want and I will  fulfill my dreams even if it's here, in Romania, or in another country! I will be guided only by my passion, I  won't compare myself to others and I will try to get exactly where I want to be! Now, at 25,  I'm not where I thought I would be whan I was only 18, but I'm on the right path because I know what I love, what I want and I don't have to follow any rules to get there! My work and my positive thinking will get me there! I will be heard! :)

Si totusi, care este invatatura din micul meu ramble de astazi? 
Nu trebuie sa va  lasati condusi de o ce spune societatea ca ar fi trebuit sa realizati pana la varsta pe care o aveti! Nu va comparati cu nimeni si chiar daca va simtiti pierduti, try to find what you love the most and fight for it! Eventually it will happen!!! 
Be strong!

But still...what is the reason for today's ramble?
You don't need to be controlled by a number, or by what society says you have to realize until your age! Don't compare yourself to others and even if you feel lost...try to find what you love the most and fight fo it! Eventually it will happen!
Be strong!

Love you,


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