More things about me???

A to Z things TAG:

Age: 24
Allergic: acarieni / dust mites
Animals: all of them!:X
Actors: pfff...tough. I like Ryan Gosling since I saw The Notebook for the first time.

Birthday / Birthplace: 17.05.1988 - Timisoara, Romania
Best friends: just one!
Body part on opposite sex: all of them!:))
Best feeling in the world: to love and be loved.
Best weather: Springtime!
Been in love: of course!
Been on stage: no, I don't think so.
Believe in yourself: yes!
Believe in life on other planets: yes!
Believe in miracles: yes!
Believe in God: yes!
Believe in Satan: don't really know...
Believe in Santa: would love to!:))
Believe in ghosts/sprits: yes!

Candy: I love chocolate and jelly.
Color: I don't have a favorite color. I love all of them!
Cried in school: yep...:))
Chocolate / Vanilla: usually vanilla.
Chinese / Mexican: chinese all the way!!!
Cake or pie: it depends. I don't have any preferences.
Countries to visit: too many! This is one of my biggest visit as many countries as I can

Day or Night: Day. I love the natural daylight!
Danced: Love to dance!
Danced in the rain: Yep!
Danced in the middle of the street: I did!:)

Eggs: yes, I like eggs.
Eyes: mine? Brown.
Everyone has: hope and dreams.
Everyone fails a class: tha't not true.

First crush: In kindergarden! His name was Andrei and he had a hairpin in his blonde, curly hair!:))
Full name: Zelenca Alexandra Cristina (Anda comes from Alexandra)
First thought wakind up: I want to sleep a little bit more!:))
Food: love chinese and italian food. :X
Fruits: almost all of them. Now I'm obsessed with watermelon and grapes. 

Gratest fear: death and dedly diseases;
Giver or taker: both! But I think I'm more of a giver.
Gum: sometimes.
Good luck charms: don't have any.

Hair Color: Very light brown;
Height: 1.60 m
Happy: usually, I'm a happy, positive person. I try to enjoy little things in life!
How do you want to die: Stupid question!
Hate: I don't hate anybody! I'm a peaceful person.

Ice cream: Mc'Sundae with caramel from Mc Donalds. My favorite!!!
Instrument: -

Jewelry: Mostly earrings. But I love necklaces too! 

Kids: don't have any. :)
Keep a journal: nope.

Love: my family, my boyfriend, my pets and my friends
Letter: what letter I like? S!
Love at first sight: never happened to me.

Milk flavour: I love vanilla milk. Or pistachio milk. Both from Muller.
Movie: The Notebook!
Marriage: someday!
McD or KFC: pizza!:)

Number of piercings: two. In my ears. The ones that almost every girl has!:))
Number: 3
Nickname: don't have one. My family calls me "Andi" or "Anduta" sometimes.

One wish: visit America.

Place you'd like to live: New York or Los Angeles;
Pepsi / Coke: Coke

Questionnaries: I do them for fun sometimes.

Reason to cry: I find many reasons to cry. I cry when I watch TV

Shoe size: EU 36/ US 5 / UK 3 
Slept outside: No.
Shower daily: Yes.
Sing well: I have an ok-ish voice, but nothing to special.
Scientists need to invent: I agree with Laura here. I would love to be able to teleport.

Time for bed: 2-3 A.M :)
Thunderstorms: I kind of like them. When I'm at home, of course!:))

Understanding: Yes, I am an understanding person.

Vegetable you hate: I hate pickles (muraturile)! 
Vegetables you love: letuce, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, artichoke (anghinare), corn...etc!

Weakness: I won't say it here, d'oooh!:))
When you grow up: I'm already grown up. But later in life I want to be succesfull and have a great career. Also, I want to have a family.
Who makes you laugh the most: lots of things make me laugh.
Worst feeling: losing someone you love.
Where do we go when we die: don't know.
Walk with a book on your head: Yes, I can.

X-rays: What about them?

Year it is now: 2035. I live in the future! Ha, ha, just kiddin', it's 2012.

Zoo animal: :-?? All of them!
Zodial sign: Taurus

7 things TAG
from Anca and Mada

7 lucruri ciudate despre mine
- imi place sa vad sange si rani deschise;
- desi iubesc apa si stiu sa inot, imi e frica sa merg cu barca (barca, cu vapor/vaporas nu am treaba);
- inca de mica, am fost obsedata sa miros si sa colectionez cosmetice & stuff like that.
- urasc muraturile;
- nu am mai avut cosmaruri de cand eram micuta. Am avut o perioada in care am avut acelasi cosmar de vreo 3-4 ori, iar apoi au disparut complet. Mai visez urat, insa niciodata nu este un cosmar.
- nu pot sa dorm fara puiutul meu de perna. :))

7 lucruri pe care nu le suport:
- minciuna;
- tradarea;
- muraturile; :))
- nu suport sa astept pe cineva care intarzie (nu ma refer aici la 10 o ora, o ora si ceva).
- nu suport oamenii laudarosi;
- nu suport sa dorm intr-un pat nearanjat. Totul trebuie sa fie la locul lui, aranjat. :))
- nu suport hreanul si mirosul sau!

7 lucruri fara de care nu pot sa traiesc:
- familia mea & iubitul meu;
- telefonul;
- laptopul + internetul;
- muzica;
- lucrurile esentiale ce tin de igiena: pasta de dinti, gel de dus, stuff like that;
- fondul de ten si corectorul - ma fac sa ma simt mai increzatoare si mai fresh;
- pizza - este mancarea mea preferata si chiar daca tin regim, imi dau voie sa o mananc din cand in cand (o data pe luna).

Sper ca v-a placut si ca nu v-am plictisit prea tare!



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