Today I want to talk about two pairs of contact lenses that I really love! Maybe you know that It's very hard to find the perfect ones if you have dark colored eyes like I do and even harder if you want them to look kind of natural, not alien-like! But Eyecandylens has sample pictures on their site and that helped me a lot to make a decision! And I really don't regret the choices I have made!
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre doua perechi de lentile de contact de care m-am indragostit! Probabil stiti si voi ca este foarte greu sa alegi culorile potrivite daca ai ochii inchisi la culoare si este si mai greu daca iti doresti sa arate cat de cat natural, nu alien like. Cei de la Eyecandylens au totusi poze orientative, care m-au ajutat foarte mult sa iau o decizie. Si nu regret deloc alegerile facute!
Price: $23.48
Sample pictures:
I really love how they look on me and I think this color is perfect for brown and dark brown eyes. But if you like circle lenses (the ones that make your eyes look bigger), these are not for you, because they have a normal size/diameter (that's how I like them acutally, because I want the look to be as natural as possible).
Chiar imi place cum imi stau aceste lentile si consider ca sunt perfecte pentru ochi inchisi la culoare. Insa daca va plac lentilele de contact "circle", care fac ochii sa para mai mari, acestea nu sunt pentru voi, deoarece au un diametru normal, la fel ca ochii mei. Eu le prefer asa pentru ca imi place sa arate cat de natural se poate (si stiti ca acest lucru este destul de greu cu lentilele de contact).
Price: $28.95
Sample pictures:
On the other hand, this pair would be perfect for you if you like circle lenses (the ones with the bigger diameter). They're not in your face and I like that, but at the same time they give you that doll-like look that asian girls like so much. They are also very good for brown and dark brown eyes because they cover the natural color pretty well!
Pe de alta parte, aceasta pereche ar fi perfecta pentru voi daca va plac lentilele "circle", deoarece au un diametru mai mare si creeaza acel efect doll-like pe care il iubesc atat fetele din Asia. Si aceasta pereche este foarte buna pentru ochi inchisi la culoare, deoarece acopera destul de mult din nuanta naturala.
* Both pairs feel really good on the eyes, they are not uncomfortable in any way! I find them really easy to wear, even for first time users.
* Niciuna dintre perechi nu mi-a creat vreun disconfort. Le gasesc foarte usor de purtat, chiar si pentru incepatoare!
Which pair do you think it looks better on me?
Care dintre perechi credeti ca imi sta mai bine?
*produsul a fost primit spre testare. Daca aveti nelamuriri, va rog sa vizitati sectiunea "disclaimer" / the product was received for testing purposes. If you have any concerns, please visit the "disclaimer" page.
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