Haul Avon: C4/2012


This month, I was looking forward to receive two products from the catalogue: the Ideal Flawless foundation, which is already highly praised on the Internet and the Anew Clinical Resurfacing Expert serum (I also had the opportunity to buy a beautiful mirror with lights at a special price if I would purchase an Anew product). So here they are:

In campania 4, am asteptat cu nerabdare sa imi ajunga doua produse: fondul de ten Ideal Flawless, care este deja foarte laudat pe internet si serul Anew Clinical Resurfacing Expert, la achizitionarea caruia am avut ocazia sa iau si o oglinda foarte utila, cu leduri. Bineinteles ca nu am rezistat tentatiei, mai ales pentru ca aveam nevoie de o asemenea oglinda.

Anew Clinical Resurfacing Expert Smoothing Fluid

- a product that promises to regenerate and moisturize the skin and also reduce imperfections. I found it similar with Genifique and the newer Visionaire from Lancome, but at a more affordable price. Can't wait too see the results!

- un produs care promite sa regenereze pielea, sa hidrateze si sa diminueze imperfectiunile. Eu l-am gasit asemanator cu Lancome Genifique sau noul Visionaire, insa la un pret mult mai accesibil. Abia astept sa vad ce poate face!

 - I like the packaging, it's very elegant, made out of glass. It's pretty heavy too and it really gives you the impression of using a luxury product. Review coming soon! 

- imi place foarte mult ambalajul sau elegant, din sticla. Este destul de greu, insa iti da impresia ca intr-adevar folosesti un produs de lux. Promit sa revin cu un review!

Price: $13 (in Romania)
Pret: 43 lei

Avon Ideal Flawless Invisible Cover foundation - Shell
 - haven't tried it yet, but I will be back with a review, pinky promise! I have to admit, I'm really curious about this one, because I've heard so many good things about it already.

- nu l-am incercat inca, insa voi reveni cu un review cat de curand. Trebuie sa recunosc, sunt foarte curioasa , deoarece am auzit numai lucruri bune despre el.

 Price: $12 (in Romania)
Pret: 39.99 lei

Led Mirror / Oglinda cu leduri
 Price: $7.5 (in Romania)
Pret: 24.99 (la achizitionarea de produse Anew in valoare de 35 lei)

 - the mirror is small, but very useful. The leds are also quite strong and I'm really happy about that.

-oglinda este micuta, insa este foarte utila. Ledurile sunt si ele destul de puternice si ma bucura acest aspect, deoarece asta a fost teama mea cea mai mare.

Have you purchased anything from Avon lately?
Voi ce v-ati achizitionat in ultima perioada de la Avon?


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