I promised that you will see an avalanche of foundation reviews, didn't I (hi hi)? Well, today I want to talk about the new Wake Me Up range from Rimmel London (foundation & concealer).
V-am promis ca va urma o avalansa de review-uri pentru fonduri de ten, nu (hi,hi)? Well, astazi am sa va povestesc atat despre noul fond de ten Wake Me Up de la Rimmel London, dar si despre concealer-ul din aceeasi gama.
Rimmel Wake Me Up Anti-fatigue effect + radiant glow foundation
"Wake Me Up este primul fond de ten lichid de la Rimmel ce reinprospateaza pielea instantaneu, confeindu-i un aspect sanatos, o stralucire radianta, estompand in acelasi timp semnele de imbatranire prematura a pielii."
A few weeks ago, I announced on Facebook that I bought the new foundation from Rimmel, attracted by the deal I found in a store from my country (8$). I didn't know anything about it and practicaly bought it blindly, just because I liked what it promised to do and because I'm a big fan of Revlon's Photoready foundation and this is kind of the same thing.It was a good move, because now I'm in love with it, it really gives a fresh look & a radiant glow to the face!♥
Acum cateva saptamani v-am anuntat ca mi-am cumparat noul fond de ten de la Rimmel, atrasa fiind de oferta la care l-am gasit in Real (26 lei). Nu citisem inca nicio parere despre el, insa mi-a placut ideea, imi plac fondurile de ten iluminatoare & anti-oboseala si deoarece sunt o fana Revlon Photoready, mi-am zis sa il incerc si pe acesta. Buna miscare, m-am indragostit de el inca de la prima folosire!:) Chiar da impresia de "fresh face" dupa aplicare. ♥
- it contains SPF 15 - always a good thing;
- medium coverage; I'm pleased with the way it covers my imperfection and I usually like to use it with a flat top brush like Sigma F80 instead of using my fingers because it gives me a better coverage.
- it has a creamy and moisturising consistency and I find it perfect for normal or combination skin. It's ok for oily skin too (like mine), if you use it together with a mattifying face powder (like Stay Matte from Rimmel); I don't know how good it would work on dry skin, because I have the impression that it kind of accentuates dry patches;
- it has shimmering particles in it, which are supposed to refflect light.
- it has a fresh, cucumber scent - I love it!.
It's available in 6 shades: 100 Ivory, 103 True Beige, 200 Soft Beige, 201 Classic Beige, 303 True Nude, 400 Natural Beige;
Price: around $12 (£9)
- contine SPF 15, un lucru intotdeauna bun;
- putere de acoperire medie; sunt multumita de felul in care imi ascunde imperfectiunile, iar personal prefer sa il aplic cu o pensula plata (gen Sigma F80), deoarece imi confera o putere mai mare de acoperire decat daca il aplic cu degetele;
- are o consistenta destul de cremoasa si hidratanta - il recomand in special tenurilor normale, mixte, insa este ok si pe un ten gras, alaturi de o pudra matifianta. Nu stiu cum s-ar comporta pe un ten uscat, insa din cate am observat, are tendinta sa evidentieze putin zonele uscate de pe fata;
- are particule stralucitoare in el, care au scopul de a reflecta lumina;
- miroase superb, fresh, a castraveti (hi hi);
Nuante disponibile: 100 Ivory, 103 True Beige, 200 Soft Beige, 201 Classic Beige, 303 True Nude, 400 Natural Beige;
Pret: aproximativ 40 lei (pret intreg).
I own two shades, 100 Ivory for the winter time, and 103 True Ivory for the rest of the year. You can se the difference in the picture below. From my point of view, these 6 shades are not enough. 100 True Ivory isn't suited for a really fair skin toned person, is more in the "beige" range, it's not "ivory" at all. So, a girl with a porcelain skin, would not be able to wear this foundation. :(
Eu detin doua nuante, 100 Ivory, pentru perioada iernii, si 103 True Ivory pentru restul anului. Diferenta o puteti vedea in poza de mai jos. Din punctul meu de vedere, nuantele sunt prea putine, iar cea mai deschisa 100 Ivory, nu este potrivita unui ten deschis, ci unuia mediu spre deschis, ca al meu. Persoanele cu "ten de portelan" din pacate nu isi vor gasi o nuanta potrivita.
Wake Me Up Anti-fatigue effect + radiant glow concealer
- light, liquid consistency;
- it has shimmer particles in it, just like the foundation;
- it covers really well dark circles and it has an illuminating effect too;
- not suited for spots or acne marks;
- it has the same fresh, cucumbery scent, but lighter.
Available shades: 010 Ivory, 030 Classic Beige
Price: around $6 (£4).
- textura usoara, lichida;
- are aceleasi particule iluminatoare la fel ca in fondul de ten;
- acopera foarte bine cearcanele si ilumineaza foarte frumos zona;
- pentru pete si urme de la acnee nu il consider potrivit;
- are acelasi miros fresh, insa mai putin pronuntat decat cel din fondul de ten;
Nuante disponibile: 010 Ivory, 030 Classic Beige.
Pret: aproximativ 21 lei.
In the picture below, I used both Wake Me Up foundation and concealer:
In poza de mai jos, am folosit atat fondul de ten, cat si concealer-ul Rimmel Wake Me Up:
Have you tried the new Wake Me Up range from Rimmel? Do you like it?
Voi ati incercat acesta noua gama Wake Me Up de la Rimmel? Ce parere aveti despre ea?
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