Hello ladies!

 Astazi am sa va vorbesc despre / Today I will talk about:

 Initial nu am vrut sa fac vreun review acestei creme, deoarece nu este un produs care sa ma fi impresionat foarte tare, nici intr-un mod pozitiv, dar nici intr-un mod negativ. Este o crema buna si cam atat. Totusi, primind atatea intrebari despre ea, am decis sa fac si un review. Am sa incerc sa-l pastrez scurt si la obiect.

 Initially, I didn't want to do a review of this cream, because it's not a product that impressed me very much...not in a positive way, but neihter in a negative way. It is a good cream but not an excelent one. However, I received so many questions about it, that I decided to do a review after all. I will try to keep it short and to the point though.

Informatiile oficiale despre crema le puteti gasi aici.
You can find the oficial informations about this cream in the link listed above.

Parerea mea despre aceasta crema este urmatoarea 
My opinion about this face cream is:

Imi place / I like:
- miroase foooarte frumos - un miros dulce foarte placut, specific produselor Nivea;
- consistenta foarte usoara - intra rapid in piele si nu lasa tenul unsuros la atingere;
- face ceea ce promite - matifiaza. Totusi, eu nu am probleme mari in aceasta privinta, deci nu ma pot pronunta pentru un ten cu secretie mare de sebum;
- hidrateaza tenul;
- pret accesibil - aproximativ 20 lei.

- smells amazing - sweet and delicate, like most of Nivea products;
- light consistency - it is aborbed into the skin very quickly;
- for me, it does the trick - it keeps the shine away. However, I don't have really big problems, so I can't say how it will work for a more problematic skin.
- it's hydratating;
- good price - around 7$ in my country.

Nu imi place / I don't like:
- ar fi fost mai igienic sa fie ambalata la tub, insa nu pot sa zic ca ma deranjeaza foarte tare acest ambalaj;
- contine alcool;
- SPF 8 - serios? Degeaba l-au pus acolo, pentru ca este inutil. Un SPF 20 ar fi fost ideal din punctul meu de vedere, pentru categoria de pret din care face parte.

- it would have been more hygienic if it was packed in a tube, not a jar, but I can't say that this packaging really bothers me;
- it contains alcohol in the composition;
- FPS 8 - seriously? That's useless! A FPS 20 would have been ideal for it's price range.

My rating: 8/10

Atasez si o poza cu ingredientele, in cazul in care intereseaza pe cineva
And here is the list with the ingredients, if you are interested:

Cam atat am eu de spus despre ea si sper ca a fost util pentru voi - cele care m-ati tot intrebat daca imi place si nu numai. :)
So this is what I have to say about this face cream and I hope it was useful for you!

Daca mai aveti intrebari, puteti sa mi le lasati in formularul de comentarii de mai jos:
If you have any questions, you cand let them in the comment form below:

P.S. Sunt curioasa si de aceasta crema-gel, tot de la Nivea, insa nu stiu daca se gaseste si in Romania. Voi ati incercat-o?
I'm also curious about this gel-cream from Nivea, but I don't know if it's available in my country. Have you tried it?


 Pe langa rochitele maxi despre care v-am tot vorbit in postarile anterioare si de care sunt absolut si iremediabil indragostita, astazi vreau sa va mai vorbesc despre un stil pe care de asemenea il ador. Se asociaza oarecum cu stilul boho-chic pe care il inspira si rochitele maxi, insa combinat si cu putin stil hippie, dar in acelasi timp romantic.
Este vorba despre: stilul grecesc!

 Besides the maxi dresses I have talked about in previous posts and that I am hopelessly in love with, today I want to talk about another trend that I really adore. It's kind of similar with the boho-chic style that the maxi dresses inspire, but with a hint of hippie and romantic feel at the same time...Yes, I'm talking about the...greek style!

 Iata cateva modele purtate de celebritati, in ordinea preferintelor mele / Here are some designs worm by celebrities, in the order of my preference:
 Kim Kardashian

Blake Lively

 Miley Cyrus

 Selena Gomez

 Mila Kunis

 Ashley Green

 Shakira - in a casual greek dress

Angelina Jolie - this dress is not really my style, but I have to admit, she looks amazing!

 Si bineinteles ca am "pescuit" din nou cateva modele superbe de pe site-ul meu preferat cu rochii: Boohoo. Am sa vi le prezint in ordinea preferintelor mele:
 And of course I found again some stunning models on my favorite site (from which I never ordered lol): Boohoo.

Photo source: www.boohoo.com

 Imi place stilul clasic si oarecum angelic al rochitelor grecesti, chiar mi-as dori sa detin si eu un asemenea model, chiar daca va fi abia la propria mea nunta.

I like the classic style from the greek dresses. They look angelic in my eyes. I would like to own one, even if it  will be for my own wedding. :))
Isn't this just gorgeous?

 Sunt constienta ca unele din modele nu mi-ar veni bine in veci...insa asta cu siguranta nu ma opresete sa iubesc acest stil!

 I know that some of these designs will never look good on me...but this doesn't stop me to love this trend...a girl can dream, right?

Voua va place stilul grecesc / Do you like the greek style?



 Imi cer scuze ca nu am fost atat de prezenta in ultimele zile pe blog, insa am avut parte de un program cu adevarat haotic. Si pe langa toata nebunia, lucrez la noul site al magazinului meu si o sa am o perioada de munca intensiva, pana reusesc sa-l pun la punct. E ceva nou pentru mine si imi ia ceva sa invat toate dedesubturile unui site. O sa incerc sa postez totusi in modul obisnuit si pe blog.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't around so much these days, but I had such a hectic schelude. And besides all the frenzy, I am working on the new website of my shop and I will have a period of intensive work to put it up & running. Everything is so new to me and it takes me some time learn everything (some html stuff). I will try to post as usual though!

 Anyway, despre ce credeti ca vorbim noi astazi? Despre nail polishes, evident!:)) Se pare ca in ultimul timp (de cand a aparut standul Flormar in Timisoara) nu stiu sa vorbesc decat despre oje...s-a dus diversitatea la care tin atat pe apa Sambetei! :)) Ce sa zic, trebuie sa ma suportati pana imi trece...:)) Niciodata nu m-am considerat o "nail polish addict", insa avand in vedere cate culori am adunat...ati fi tentate sa credeti opusul, asa-i?:))
 V-am mai povestit eu ca vreau sa fac un suport pentru a imi depozita frumos toate ojele, right? Well, inca nu am reusit sa fac suportul, desi e in plan, dar pana atunci am gasit o modalitate destul de utila si accesibila tuturor (in comparatie cu standul pe care planuiesc sa-l fac cu ajutorul prietenului meu - singura nu cred ca m-as descurca). Aceasta metoda este mai mult decat simpla si este usor de pus in aplicare in orice camera, de orice marime si cu orice mobilier. :)

Anyway, about what do you think we're going to talk about today? Nail polishes, of course!:)) It seems that lately, they are all I can talk about...the diversity that I care so much about went down the drain!:)) But what can I say...you will have to bare with me until I calm down...:)) I was never a nail polish addict...but here I am...with all these colors...you might say exactly the opposite. :)
 Well, I've told you before that I want to make a nice support/rack to store all my nail polishes? I didn't manage to make the rack, I found a quick fix. Everyone can do this, I assure you! It's so easy to do and it fits wherever you have a free shelf.

 Practic aveti nevoie de un raft liber (oriunde doreste inimioara voastra) si cateva carcase de Cd-uri/DVD-uri, pentru a putea forma "scarile". Eu am pus atat carcase de DVD, cat si o cutie de metal mai in spate, pe ultimul rand, ca sa fie cat mai delimitat totul. 

Basically, you need a free shelf (wherever your heart desires) and some cases from CD's or DVD's that you don't need anymore. I put both the DVD cases and a metallic box in the back, on the last row, to delimitate everything better.

 Aici se pot vedea carcasele de DVD.../ You can see in this picture the DVD cases...

 si cutia de metal din spate/ and the metallic box in the back ...

 De asemenea, am mai folosit un suport special de lacuri, pe care il aveam de mult si nu il foloseam, datorita marimii mult prea mici (capacitate 12 lacuri, neaparat cu "fund" rotund); 

 Aslo, I used a special nail polish rack that I have from a long time ago and I didn't use, because of the small size (only 12 nail polishes can fit).

 Pana acum le tineam intr-o cutie si va dati seama ca nici eu nu mai stiam ce era pe acolo. Mereu ma trezeam ca am uitat complet de cate-o culoare.
Deocamdata sunt multumita de acest rezultat, desi in viitor planuiesc sa-mi fac raftul mult visat.

 Until now, I used to keep all my nail polishes in a box, and even I didn't knew what was there anymore. I always found some color I totally forgot about and that was so frustrating. :|
Until I will make my real nail polish rack I'm very pleased with this one and I think it's a good solution.


P.S. Nu uitati sa participati la GIVEAWAY!


 Astazi vreau sa va isipitesc cu un nou giveaway, sponsorizat de catre cei de la Garnier Romania. Astfel, doua dintre cititoarele mele au ocazia sa castige cate un pachet format din: gel de curatare Garnier Pure Active si roll-on Garnier Pure Active:

Mai multe informatii despre produse gasiti AICI.


1. Sa fiti followeri ai blogului meu ori prin GFC ori pe Facebook (si sa imi spuneti in comentariu cu ce nume, bineinteles);
2. Sa imi lasati adresa de e-mail in comentariu, ca sa va pot contacta ulterior;
3. Sa imi spuneti de ce va doriti aceste doua produse sau sa imi spuneti ce produse Garnier ati mai incercat si ce parere v-au lasat (la alegere UNA din cele doua intrebari).

Deadline: 1 august 2011, ora 23:59

Alegerea castigatoarelor: ca sa fie cat mai corect, voi face un top 10 cu raspunsurile mele preferate, iar apoi voi alege castigatoarea cu random.org



 Daca in ultima postare va vorbeam despre lacuri de unghii, astazi vreau sa merg pe acelasi subiect si sa va arat si manichiura pe care am purtat-o zilele acestea.
 M-am ales cu multe lacuri noi dupa aparitia standului Flormar si voi incerca sa fac cat mai curand o postare cu toate la un loc, sa vedeti cat sunt de faine. Creeaza dependenta, va spun! Eu mai vreau o gramada de culori de la stand si deja mi-am luat 10. :))

 If in the last post I showed you some amazing nail polishes, today I want to approache the same topic and show you the manicure that I wore these last few days.  I purchased lots of stuff from Flormar since the stand appeared in Timisoara and I promise that I will try to make a post and show you all my nail polishes from them. They are addictie, I'm telling you!!! I want a lot more, I can't get enough...and I have 10 already. :))

Astazi vreau sa dedic postarea lacurilor de unghii Miracle Colors de la Flormar, care mi se par geniale. Singure sau in combinatii, efectul o sa fie unul fascinant. Am incercat atat in poze cat si in clipulet ca sa cuprind cat mai mult din minunatele irizatii, desi aparatul nu a reusit sa arate chiar tot. Inds cred ca se apropie destul de mult de realitate. :X

I want to dedicate today's post to Flormar Miracle Colors, which are freacking amaaazing! Use them alone or in combination, eighter way, they look fascinating. I tried to show all the beautiful irizations in the picture and in the video, even though the camera couldn't show everything. Still, I think you can make an idea, right?

the only photo with flash


Products used:
- culoarea de baza a fost Orly Lucky Duck. Peste ea am aplicat Flormar Miracle Colors - U28. Exceptiile au fost cele doua unghii colorate cu Flormar Miracle Colors - U08. Iar pe post de top coat am folosit un simplu lac transparent de la Farmasi.

- the base color was Orly Lucky Duck. On top of it I applied Flormar Miracle Colors U28. And the exception were the nails colored with Flormar Miracle Colors - U08. On top of them I applied a clear nail polish from Farmasi.

Have a great weekend!


 Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc putin despre produsele Orly. Este un brand pe care il cunosc si de care am auzit acum mult timp, insa nu am avut ocazia il incerc pana acum.

Today I want to talk about: Orly products. It's a brand I discovered a long time ago, but I haven't got a chance to try them yet.

Iata despre ce produse am sa va vorbesc astazi:
Here are the products I'm going to talk about today:

 Am primit din partea Orly Romania si o particica din noua colectie de toamna intitulata "Birds of a feather", mai exact doua culori, pe care le puteti vedea mai jos. Denumirile sunt tare catchy, veti vedea:

 I have received from Orly Romania a part from the new autumn collection: "Birds of a feather", more precisely, two colors, that you can see below. They have the really catchy names, you'll see!

Orly "Births of a feather" collection:
Lucky Duck
 Un verde superb / A wonderful green!

Orly "Births of a feather" collection:
Sea Gurl
 Un gri inchis cu irizatii / A dark shimmery grey.

 Nu stiu daca toate colectiile sunt asa, insa ce m-a impresionat la aceste lacuri este faptul ca se usuca foarte repede. Este nevoie de aproximativ 3 minute pentru ca lacul sa se fixeze si vreo 15 ca sa fie uscat total (fara sa va mai faceti griji ca s-ar putea sa se strice daca vi le faceti seara si mergeti la culcare, sau ceva de genul). Din punctul meu de vedere, acesta este un lucru foarte bun. De asemenea, sunt foarte pigmentate si pot fi folosite chiar intr-un strat. Totusi eu prefer doua straturi, orice firma as folosi. De exemplu aveam aplicat pe sub gel rosu, iar lacul a acoperit totul cu usurinta.
 Cantitatea enorma este si ea un plus. Totusi, eu de obicei prefer lacurile mai micute, pentru ca imi e mila sa ma gandesc ca nu voi termina nuanta niciodata, insa recunosc ca e placut sa stii ca o sa ai o cantitate atat de mare din nuantele tale preferate.
Si un micut minus: mi-ar fi placut ca pensula sa fie un pic mai lata, pentru o aplicare mai usoara si mai rapida. Ar putea fi mai buna, insa nu ma plang, este ok si asa, nu ma deranjeaza foarte tare.

I don't know if all their collections are like this, but I was impressed about the fact that this nail polishes are really fast drying. It takes about 3 minutes for the color to get fixed on the nail (semi-dried) and about 15 minutes to be fully dry (without worrying that you might ruin all your manicure when you go to sleep or something like that). From my opinion, this is great! 
 Also, they are very pigmented and if you want, you can use them in only one coat. But i always prefere two, whatewer brand I use. Anyway, for example, I had on my nails red gel, and it covered everything really well. You couldn't even tell i had it on. 
 The huge amount is also a plus - 18 ml! Personally, I prefer smaller nail polishes because I know I will never get to use it completely before it dries out. But I guess it's nice to know you have a enormous amount from your favorite color, right?
 A little down side is that I would have liked the brush to be wider, for a easier application. It could be better, but it's ok like this too. 

Orly Instant Artist:
Fiery Red
  Si la acest produs, cantitatea este XXL, mai ales pentru un lac de unghii destinat nail art-ului - 9 ml. Ce m-a impresionat cu adevarat este faptul ca e bazat pe apa. Nu are deloc mirosul specific lacurilor de unghii, ci mai degraba miroase a acuarela. :D Imi aduce aminte de copilarie, actually! Deci daca gresiti ceva, puteti sa stergeti totul foarte usor cu o discheta de vata imbibata in apa, fara sa va stricati manichiura. Pensulita este si ea foarte bine finisata. Acesta este un factor esential la un lac de unghii pentru nail art. Mai jos am facut un model rapid, ca sa va puteti face o idee:  

This has an enormous ammount too, especially for a nail art nail polish - 9 ml. And it's actually not a nail polish, but a nail paint, because it's a water-based product. It doesn't have that specific smell of nail polish, it kind of reminds me about the watercolors from my childhood. So if you make a mistake, you can remove it easily with a cotton pad soaked in water and you won't ruin your manicure. I like the brush too. It's important   for it to have  a good brush, otherwise, you won't be able to paint your nails how you want. Below, i made a quick model (nothing to fancy) so you can make an idea:

Ulei de cuticule / Cuticle Oil:
 N-am mai avut pana acum ulei pentru cuticule stil carioca, deoarece mereu imi cumparam la sticluta. Avantajul este ca pe acesta il pot tine in portfard. Acasa am destule sticlute, deci acesta va fi uleiul meu de cuticule on the go!:)) Miroase a martipan, can you believe that?
 Mi-ar fi placut sa se poata umple dupa ce se termina produsul din interior, but hey, a girl can dream right?:))

  I never had a pen cuticle oil before because I always bought the ones in the bottles. The advantage is that I can keep this one in my beauty case. I have enough bottles at home so this will be my on-the-go cuticle oil. And it's smells like marzipan, can you beleive that?
 I would have liked to fill it when I consume the product inside...but a girl can dream, right?:)) 
 Pe capac, are si un "dispozitiv" de impins cuticulele.

Pila pentru luciu / Buffing trio
 Despre genul acesta de pile v-am mai vorbit, le ador! Aveam una "pe duca", deci asta a venit la fix. Este un produs indispensabil din punctul meu de vedere, mai ales ca o puteti folosi si dupa ce va dati jos gelul de pe unghii. Le lustruieste extrem de frumos si arata de parca ar fi date cu lac. Daca doriti, pot sa va fac un demo intr-o zi, dupa ce imi dau jos gelul de pe unghii. :)

 About this kind of nail files, we have talked about before...i just love them! It's an essential product in your beauty case, especially that you can use it even when you get rid of your gel or acrylic nails to give back the shine of your nails. They will look like you've put clear top coat on them. If you want, I can make a demo in the future, about how to use these file, after I remove my gel.

* produsele au fost primite pentru testare.

 De asemenea, am primit si un catalog sa imi "clatesc ochii" :)). Cel mai mult mi-au atras atentia seturile acestea super cute:

Also, i received a catalog and there I saw these adorableee sets!:X

 Bonder-ul ma atrage deoarece promite rezistenta, ceea ce unghiilor mele le lipseste cu desavarsire. :)) Mereu am avut unghii extrem de subtiri (desi cresc foarte repede) si de aceea le si tin cu gel in majoritatea timpului.

The bonder attracts me because it offers two weeks with the same nail polish on your nails. I don't belive that, but i would settle with 5-6 days. :D I have the thinnest nails in the world!:(

 And i found my dream nail polish stand too!:)) Ok, ok, nu chiar asa mare, dar va prindeti voi de idee.
Chiar imi doresc asa ceva acasa pentru a putea vedea mai bine toate nuantele pe care le am. De vreo luna ma gandesc la un DIY, dar deocamdata nu am gasit solutia potrivita. :))

And i found my dream nail polish stand too! Not that big, but you get the idea!:)) I really want to improvise and and make a DIY one, but i haven't found the right solution yet.
