Organising tips: Nail polish storage


 Imi cer scuze ca nu am fost atat de prezenta in ultimele zile pe blog, insa am avut parte de un program cu adevarat haotic. Si pe langa toata nebunia, lucrez la noul site al magazinului meu si o sa am o perioada de munca intensiva, pana reusesc sa-l pun la punct. E ceva nou pentru mine si imi ia ceva sa invat toate dedesubturile unui site. O sa incerc sa postez totusi in modul obisnuit si pe blog.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't around so much these days, but I had such a hectic schelude. And besides all the frenzy, I am working on the new website of my shop and I will have a period of intensive work to put it up & running. Everything is so new to me and it takes me some time learn everything (some html stuff). I will try to post as usual though!

 Anyway, despre ce credeti ca vorbim noi astazi? Despre nail polishes, evident!:)) Se pare ca in ultimul timp (de cand a aparut standul Flormar in Timisoara) nu stiu sa vorbesc decat despre oje...s-a dus diversitatea la care tin atat pe apa Sambetei! :)) Ce sa zic, trebuie sa ma suportati pana imi trece...:)) Niciodata nu m-am considerat o "nail polish addict", insa avand in vedere cate culori am adunat...ati fi tentate sa credeti opusul, asa-i?:))
 V-am mai povestit eu ca vreau sa fac un suport pentru a imi depozita frumos toate ojele, right? Well, inca nu am reusit sa fac suportul, desi e in plan, dar pana atunci am gasit o modalitate destul de utila si accesibila tuturor (in comparatie cu standul pe care planuiesc sa-l fac cu ajutorul prietenului meu - singura nu cred ca m-as descurca). Aceasta metoda este mai mult decat simpla si este usor de pus in aplicare in orice camera, de orice marime si cu orice mobilier. :)

Anyway, about what do you think we're going to talk about today? Nail polishes, of course!:)) It seems that lately, they are all I can talk about...the diversity that I care so much about went down the drain!:)) But what can I will have to bare with me until I calm down...:)) I was never a nail polish addict...but here I am...with all these might say exactly the opposite. :)
 Well, I've told you before that I want to make a nice support/rack to store all my nail polishes? I didn't manage to make the rack, I found a quick fix. Everyone can do this, I assure you! It's so easy to do and it fits wherever you have a free shelf.

 Practic aveti nevoie de un raft liber (oriunde doreste inimioara voastra) si cateva carcase de Cd-uri/DVD-uri, pentru a putea forma "scarile". Eu am pus atat carcase de DVD, cat si o cutie de metal mai in spate, pe ultimul rand, ca sa fie cat mai delimitat totul. 

Basically, you need a free shelf (wherever your heart desires) and some cases from CD's or DVD's that you don't need anymore. I put both the DVD cases and a metallic box in the back, on the last row, to delimitate everything better.

 Aici se pot vedea carcasele de DVD.../ You can see in this picture the DVD cases...

 si cutia de metal din spate/ and the metallic box in the back ...

 De asemenea, am mai folosit un suport special de lacuri, pe care il aveam de mult si nu il foloseam, datorita marimii mult prea mici (capacitate 12 lacuri, neaparat cu "fund" rotund); 

 Aslo, I used a special nail polish rack that I have from a long time ago and I didn't use, because of the small size (only 12 nail polishes can fit).

 Pana acum le tineam intr-o cutie si va dati seama ca nici eu nu mai stiam ce era pe acolo. Mereu ma trezeam ca am uitat complet de cate-o culoare.
Deocamdata sunt multumita de acest rezultat, desi in viitor planuiesc sa-mi fac raftul mult visat.

 Until now, I used to keep all my nail polishes in a box, and even I didn't knew what was there anymore. I always found some color I totally forgot about and that was so frustrating. :|
Until I will make my real nail polish rack I'm very pleased with this one and I think it's a good solution.


P.S. Nu uitati sa participati la GIVEAWAY!


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