In trend right now: Greek style (stilul grecesc)

 Pe langa rochitele maxi despre care v-am tot vorbit in postarile anterioare si de care sunt absolut si iremediabil indragostita, astazi vreau sa va mai vorbesc despre un stil pe care de asemenea il ador. Se asociaza oarecum cu stilul boho-chic pe care il inspira si rochitele maxi, insa combinat si cu putin stil hippie, dar in acelasi timp romantic.
Este vorba despre: stilul grecesc!

 Besides the maxi dresses I have talked about in previous posts and that I am hopelessly in love with, today I want to talk about another trend that I really adore. It's kind of similar with the boho-chic style that the maxi dresses inspire, but with a hint of hippie and romantic feel at the same time...Yes, I'm talking about the...greek style!

 Iata cateva modele purtate de celebritati, in ordinea preferintelor mele / Here are some designs worm by celebrities, in the order of my preference:
 Kim Kardashian

Blake Lively

 Miley Cyrus

 Selena Gomez

 Mila Kunis

 Ashley Green

 Shakira - in a casual greek dress

Angelina Jolie - this dress is not really my style, but I have to admit, she looks amazing!

 Si bineinteles ca am "pescuit" din nou cateva modele superbe de pe site-ul meu preferat cu rochii: Boohoo. Am sa vi le prezint in ordinea preferintelor mele:
 And of course I found again some stunning models on my favorite site (from which I never ordered lol): Boohoo.

Photo source:

 Imi place stilul clasic si oarecum angelic al rochitelor grecesti, chiar mi-as dori sa detin si eu un asemenea model, chiar daca va fi abia la propria mea nunta.

I like the classic style from the greek dresses. They look angelic in my eyes. I would like to own one, even if it  will be for my own wedding. :))
Isn't this just gorgeous?

 Sunt constienta ca unele din modele nu mi-ar veni bine in veci...insa asta cu siguranta nu ma opresete sa iubesc acest stil!

 I know that some of these designs will never look good on me...but this doesn't stop me to love this trend...a girl can dream, right?

Voua va place stilul grecesc / Do you like the greek style?



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