"What I love about you" TAG


 Ieri am terminat si eu sesiunea in mod oficial! Yeeeey!:)) Nici nu imi vine sa cred ca a trecut deja inca un an! Totul trece asa de repede pe langa mine, parca nici nu realizez ca mai am un an si termin si masteratul. Eu ma simt mai tanara. :)) Anyway, sper ca in vara asta sa rezolv toate problemele si sa reusesc sa ma inscriu si la a doua facultate, asa cum imi doresc. Sunt nebuna, nu? Nu mi-au ajuns 16 ani de scoala, eu mai vreau!:))
 [Yesterday i finally finished with all my exams for this year! Yeeey! I can not believe that another year has passed by me, and that i have just one more and i will have a master degree too. I feel younger!:)) Anyway, I hope that i will solve all the problems i have and manage to apply to a second college, as i want! I'm crazy right? 16 years of school wasn't enough for me, i want more!:))]

 Revenind la subiect...voi face un tag super dragut astazi, primit de la Anca. Sper sa nu va simtiti discriminate, eu va citesc pe toate cu acelasi drag si chiar ar fi imposibil sa mentionez pe toata lumea. :) Oricum o sa fie cel mai greu tag pe care l-am facut vreodata, pentru ca toate imi sunteti dragi!
 [Today i will do a cute TAG, received from Anca. I really hope that nobody will feel discriminated because i do read all your blogs and it's impossible to mention everybody! Even so, this is the most dificil tag that i ever did! :))]

But let's give it a try!

Which blogger would you trade hair with?
Cu Anaivilo (Wonder Fashion). Inca am o obsesie pentru parul roscat,  iar ea e atat de cute & feminina!:X

[I still have an obsession for red hair and Anavilo is so cute & feminine! :X]

Whose blog do you read first?
Le iau pe rand din lista de bloglovin'.

[I take the blogs in order from bloglovin'.]

Who has the best style?
Liliana (Fashenize). Iuuubesc toate tinutele ei!

[I really love Liliana's outfits.]


Favorite blogger who lives in another country
Of course, Little D.! :) Me likes her so much!!!

Who do you think has great confidence?
Sigina. Se observa chiar din poze ca are incredere in ea. Iubesc atitudinea ei!

[You can se just from the pictures how much confidance she has! I love, love, love her attitude!]

If you could be best friends with a blogger, who would it be?
 Asta e atat de simpla! Koko, evident!:) Imi este tare draga fata asta si chiar ne potrivim de minune din multe puncte de vedere + ca de cele mai multe ori gandim la fel. :)) Mi-ar placea tare mult sa o am ca prietena daca am locui in acelasi oras.  De asemenea, are un suflet curat si gaseste o parte buna in fiecare!

Dar m-as intelege foarte bine si cu: Anca BSigina, Lauren, Anca, Ramona, Little D, Alexandra Z., Chatte, Lili, Gabriela, Michellinne, etc.

[With Koko, of course. I love her so much! Most often we think alike and we have the same tastes regarding lots of thing! And above all, she has a big & pure soul!
I would also like to be friends with the girls mentioned above.]

Who has the cutest blog name?
And the owner is really cute & talented too!!:)

Who would you love to go shopping with?
With Fabloulista. Where she lives, in Canada. :))

Who have you followed since the begining?
Primul blog descoperit a fost cel al Iuliei Badita, datorita forumului e-joy. :)

[Hers was the first blog i discovered, thanks to Joy magazine forum.]

Who has the prettiest smile?
Honey Bunny. Sooo, sooo sweet!

Who is the most down-to-earth?
Anca (Aquashell) -  este o fata foarte prietenoasa, realista & smart. Ne intelegem foarte bine si de obicei suntem pe aceeasi lungime de unda.

[She is such a sweet, friendly, smart & realistic girl! I really appreciate her!]

Who would you want as a big sister?
Pe Ramona J. Este persoana care ar stii exact ce sa-ti spuna cand ti-e greu + ca are gusturi superbe in ceea ce priveste hainele & accesoriile!

[She is the person that will know what to tell you so you can feel better when you're sad. And she has great taste in clothes & accesories]

Who do you always learn something from?
De la Corina. Ii sunt extrem de recunoscatoare pentru toate articolele de pe blog, cu ajutorul lor am reusit sa scap de monstruleti. Va recomand sa cititi tot ce a scris pe blog, o sa fiti extrem de castigate!

[I'm so grateful to all her posts! Reading them, i managed to get rid of my acnee and now i love my face!:) I recommend you to read everything she wrote on the blog, you will be extremly gained.]

Whose blog is the most creative?
O voi alege tot pe Koko aici. La fel ca mine, tine foarte mult la detalii si la imaginea si continutul blogului in general (sa fie diversificate articolele, utile, etc.) Si e creativa, ca doar de aia am pus-o aici. :)

[I will choose Koko here too! Like me, she is very careful with the image and the content of her blog! And she is so creative!]


Iar in final, ma scuzati ca v-am furat pozele! A fost cu un scop nobil! :))

[And in the end, please excuse me for stealing your pictures. It was with a noble purpose!:))]





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