Random: Cum am scapat de acnee / How I cured my acne (Brevoxyl)


 Multe dintre voi m-ati intrebat in ultimele luni cum am reusit sa scap de nesuferita acnee. Am tot stat si m-am gandit daca ar fi momentul sa scriu acest post, insa au trecut deja 4 luni de cand nu mai am probleme si m-am hotarat sa va povestesc totusi cum am procedat eu.
 Nu pot sa spun ca am avut acnee severa, daca era asa nu as fi avut curaj sa iau situatia in propriile maini si m-as fi dus direct la dermatolog. Oricum eram hotarata sa o fac daca nici metoda aceasta nu ar fi functionat. Si desi nu am avut acnee severa, eram in punctul in care imi era rusine sa ies din casa fara fond de ten pe fata. Nu pot sa va explic cat de frustrant e sa te trezesti dimineata si sa nici nu iti vina sa te machiezi sau sa iesi in lume din cauza problemelor de pe fata. Acneea vine impreuna cu mult stres si in cazuri mai serioase chiar cu depresii. Thank god, eu nu am ajuns pana acolo. Dar stiu ca multe dintre voi intelegeti ce spun eu acum si stiti senzatia. :)
 Problemele mele au aparut prin noiembrie si au tinut toata iarna, nu eram obisnuita cu acneea si nu mai avusesem probleme pana atunci (poate doar in limita normala, in adolescenta). V-am mai povestit ca am folosit Vichy Tri-Active, care pe termen lung cred ca a facut mai mult rau decat bine si La Roche Possay Effaclar-Duo, care nu a avut nici el prea multe efecte asupra tenului meu la momentul acela...
 Intr-o zi am descoperit blogul Corinei  pe care de atunci il recomand tuturor fetelor care ma intreaba despre acnee. Trebuie sa il cititi pentru ca aveti foarte multe de invatat, fie ca aveti acnee sau nu, Corina atinge multe subiecte interesante, nu numai cele despre acnee.
Pe blogul ei am gasit un articol despre Brevoxyl, pe care m-am si hotarat sa il incerc.

[Many of you have asked me in the past few months how i managed to get rid of my nasty acne. I was wondering if i should do this post, but 4 months have passed since i have no problems, so i decided to tell you my story after all!
 I cannot say that i had severe acne, if it was so, i wouldn't have had the courage to take the problem into my own hands and i would have gone directly to the dermatologist. However, i was determined to do it if this metod didn't work either. And although i didn't have severe acne, i was in that point where i was ashamed to leave the house without applying foundation on my face. I can not explain how frustrating it is to wake up in the morning and look at your face in the mirror. I didn't wanted to apply make-up or to go out like that! Acne comes with a lot of stress, and in some cases with depresion. Wasn't my case, thank god...i didn't got there! But i know a lot of you know what i'm talking about! It's so important to have a clean face!
 My problems started in November and they lasted all winter. I wasn't used to have acne, this wasn't a problem for me until then, maybe just within normal limits, as i was a teenager, or 2-3-4 pimples, once a month, when i got my period.
 I have told you that i used Vichy Tri-active, which i think it did more harm than good in the long run, and La Roche Possay Effaclar Duo - that had almost no effect on my skin.
And then, one day i discovered Corina's blog - she writes in romanian but you can translate with Google or something.) and her posts about acne really helped me. On her blog i found an article about peroxide bezoil and i decided to try that metod.]

Nu am sa stau sa-i fac un review, pentru ca nu sunt chiar in masura si pentru ca oricum veti gasi toate informatiile necesare pe blogul Corinei, insa am sa va povestesc EXPERIENTA MEA.
 Am inceput sa-l folosesc pe cand mai aveam aproximativ 20% din tubul de Effaclar Duo. Am intrebat-o pe Corina si mi-a spus ca e ok sa le folosesc in paralel. Asa am si facut. 

[I won't do a review on this, because i'm not the appropriate person to do this and because you can find a better one on Corina's blog, but i will tell you about MY EXPERIENCE with it.
I started using it while i had about 20% of the Effaclar Duo tube. I asked Corina if it's ok to use them both and she agreed. So i did.]

Astfel, ritualul meu zilnic suna cam asa/ So, my everyday rutine was kind of like this:

Seara/ At night:

- dupa demachiere, imi curatam fata cu gel de curatare specific pentru ten acneic  (in acel moment foloseam Ivatherm - Ivapur, iar acum folosesc Gerovital Plant Stop Acnee, ambele foarte bune din punctul meu de vedere);
[after i removed my make-up i used a gel cleanser for oily skin ( in that moment i used Ivapur from Ivatherm and now i use Gerovital Plant Stop Acne)];

- aplicam Brevoxyl pe toata fata - in strat subtire;
[ i applied peroxide benzoil in a thin layer];

- dupa 10 minute aplicam o crema hidratanta (in cazul meu Gerovital Plant - crema hidratanta);
[after 10 minutes, i applied a moisurizer in my case - Gerovital Plant - hydratating cream];

Dimineata/ In the morning:

- imi curatam din nou tenul cu gelul de curatare
[i cleaned my face with the same gel cleanser];

- aplicam Effaclar Duo, impreuna cu o crema cu SPF (acum nu mai am Effaclar Duo si folosesc dimineata ori crema matifianta Nivea, ori solutia matifianta de la Sephora)
[ i applied Effaclar Duo along with a sun screen cream (now i don't have (or need) Effaclar Duo anymore so i use Nivea mattifying cream or Sephora mattifying lotion.];

 In aproximativ o saptamana tenul meu a inceput sa se curete.  Intr-o luna scapasem de aproape cosurile de pe fata, desi ramasesem cu niste semne de care am scapat destul de greu, dar ajungem si la asta.
- in momentul de fata folosesc Brevoxy o data la 2-3 zile, tot seara si este totul ok, cosurile nu au re-aparut.
[ In about a week my pimples started to dissapear. In a month almost all my pimples were gone, even though i still had some spots.
- now i use peroxid benzoil only every 2-3 days and everything is ok, my skin is still clean].

Pentru petele de pe fata am folosit o perioada/ For the spots i used for a while:

- crema anti-imperfectiuni Gerovital Plant, insa am lasat-o deoparte pana in toamna, deoarece este recomandat sa fie folosita in anotimpurile reci.
[anti-imperfections cream from Gerovital Plant, but i left it aside for the summer. It is recommended to be used only in the cold seasons.]

- in prezent folosesc tratamentul in 4 pasi pentru dermoabraziune Anew Clinical de la Avon si sunt foarte multumita de el:
[and now i use the dermoabrazion treatment from Anew Clinical (Avon) and i'm very pleased with it:]
Si poate cel mai important a fost sa nu mai imi umblu cu mainile pe fata. :)) Pe cuvant! Inca mai am cateva pete, dar ma ocup de ele. :)
[And perhaps the most important thing was not to put my hands all over my face. :)) I'm serious! I still have some spots, but i'm working on it!]

Asa arata tenul meu acum. Am fond de ten pe fata, insa cred ca va puteti face o idee, nu am folosit mult:
[This is how my face looks now. I have foundation on, but you can still make an ideea of how it looks, i didn't apply a lot.]
Este needitata si puteti da zoom, am lasat-o destul de mare / it is unedited and you can zoom it if you like!

* aceasta este experienta mea personala, pe care am decis sa o impartasesc cu voi la rugaminitile voastre. Nu sunt expert, deci nu imi asum eventualele nepotriviri cu aceste produse.
[this is my personal experience that i decided to tell because many people asked me. I'm not an expert, so i do not take the responsability for any incompatibility with these products.]

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