Review: Garnier Pure Active 2in1 Tinted Spot Roll-on


 Three weeks ago, I received this concealer from Garnier. I took my time to test it properly and to form an accurate opinion about it:

 Cu aproximativ trei saptamani in urma, am primit acest concealer din partea celor de la Garnier. Mi-am luat acest timp pentru a-l testa si pentru a-mi forma o parere cat mai exacta despre el.
 I've been looking since God knows when for a good concealer to cover my spots and my blemishes. I've tried many product before, but none of them satisfied me completely. I want to share my enthusiasm with you guys and tell you how much I love this product. Maybe if I haven't receive it, I would not have been tempted to try it - I didn't believe that a product with such a liquid consistency can cover acne spots - but it seems I was wrong. It covers blemishes and it doesn't look cakey at all. And the fact that is for oily skin makes me even happier. 
 Also, I was lucky that the shade matched my skintone. If you have a lighter skintone than mine, this product is not for you. I own the one for fair skin tone (the lightest one).

 De foarte mult timp sunt in cautarea unui concealer bun pentru acoperirea petelor. Am incercat multe produse pana acum, insa nici unul nu m-a multumit cu adevarat. Vreau sa imi impartasesc entuziasmul si sa va spun cat de mult imi place acest produs. Probabil daca nu l-as fi primit, nu as fi fost tentata vreodata sa il incerc - nu credeam ca un produs cu o consistenta atat de lichida poate acoperi bine - dar iata ca m-am inselat. Acopera foarte bine petele si cosurile si nu lasa un aspect incarcat, ci unul natural. Iar faptul ca este destinat unui ten gras, ma bucura si mai mult. Am avut norocul sa mi se potriveasca si nuanta. Daca aveti un ten mai deschis decat mine, acest produs nu este pentru voi (posed nuanta cea mai deschisa a acestui produs).

 I must admit that I haven't tried to many products from Garnier (only their shampoo and a make-up remover), but this concealer was a pleasent surprise for me. I understood that they have another product like this, but for dark circles. Me wants that too! :)

 Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am incercat prea multe produse Garnier (doar samponul lor si un demachiant), insa acest concealer a fost o surpriza placuta pentru mine. Am inteles ca ar mai fi un produs asemanator cu acesta, insa pentru cearcane. Me wants that too!:D
Official description / Descriere oficiala:

Is it right for me?
Yes, if your skin is prone to imperfections and marks, and you are looking for an immediate solution to help make them look like they've disappeared.

How is it different?
- invisible, long lasting spot coverage thanks to a high concentration of mineral pigments which don't block pores.
- targeted action. The metal roller ball allows you to target imperfections. Thanks to a high concentration of a drying active combinated with HerbaSoothe, it helps calm and soothe skin and has an instant drying effect to help protect against spots before they appear;
- it can be directly applied to spots, redness and marks. Apply as often as necessary.

Este potrivit pentru mine?
 Da, daca pielea ta este predispusa imperfectiunilor, punctelor rosii si urmelor si daca esti in cautarea unei solutii imediate pentru a le face sa dispara.

Prin ce este diferit?
- acopera indetectabil si rezistent cosurile fara a astupa porii, multumita unei concentratii puternice de pigmenti minerali;
- actiune corectoare si de uscare a cosurilor, multumita unui continut ridicat de activ pentru uscare combinat cu HerbaRepair, un complex regenerant si reparator;
- bila metalica permite o acoperire precisa fara a supra-incarca tenul, lasandu-l sa respire;
- se aplica direct asupra cosurilor, a punctelor rosii si a urmelor. Se aplica ori de cate ori este necesar.


- great coverage / putere mare de acoperire;
- leaves a natural effect / efect natural;
- suitable for oily skin / potrivit tenului gras (cu tendinte acneice);
- affordable price / pret accesibil;

- none / nu am gasit;

Hope this helped!

P.S.: Astazi esti ultima zi in care mai puteti participa la Sigma Syntethic Face Kit Giveaway! Hurry up!



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