Sunt incantata sa va prezint azi noile mele pensule de la Sigma:
I'm pleased to present you today my new brushes from Sigma:
Am avut ceva de asteptat pentru ele, datorita unor greseli in sistem si datorita schimbarii programului de afiliere, dar iata ca au ajuns si in mainile mele. De asemenea, au venit foarte frumos ambalate:
I had to wait a little for them, because of some errors in the system and because of all the changes from the affiliate program, but they are in my hands now and I'm super excited! Also, they came in such a beautiful packaging:
Am sa va vorbesc astazi despre fiecare in parte cate putin:
Today I will make a mini-review of each one of them:
F80 - Flat Top Kabuki
"The F80 Flat Top Kabuki brush is perfect for applying and blending liquid, cream, and powder products onto the skin. The flat surface allows perfect buffing with flawless results. Features synthetic Sigmax HD fibers."
Dupa parerea mea, este cea mai putin densa din cele trei insa si asa isi face treaba excelent. Este extrem de asemanatoare cu Sigma Miss Taylor Kabuki, doar ca intr-o varianta mai mica (Miss Taylor e mai densa si are diametrul mai mare). Am folosit-o atat cu fond de ten pudra cat si cu fond de ten lichid. Ador genul asta de pensule pentru aplicarea fondului de ten in general!♥
In my opinion, this brush is the least dense of the three, but still it does it job excellently! It's very similar to Sigma Taylor Kabuki, but in a smaller version (Taylor Kabuki is more dense and has larger diameter). I used it with both liquid fondation and powder foundation and it works amazing! I love this kind of brushes to apply foundation!♥
F82 - Round Top Kabuki
"The F82 Round Top Kabuki brush simplifies precise makeup application under the eyes and around the nose. This brush is also perfect for achieving flawless coverage using liquid and powder products. Features synthetic Sigmax HD fibers."
Este preferata mea din cele trei! Am folosit-o atat pentru aplicarea blushului, cat si pentru aplicarea pudrei de fata, a fondului de ten lichid & pudra. Este geniala pentru ca ai o mai mare precizie cu ea si mi se pare ca produsul intra mai bine in piele decat in cazul pensulei F80. A devenit si pensula mea preferata pentru blush, ofera o foarte mare precizie.
This one is my favorite! I used it for blush, face powder, powder foundation and liquid foundation. It's brilliant because it gives you more precision in applying all this products i mentioned and they blend into the skin better than with the F80. And it became my favorite brush for applying blush on my cheeks. Everything becomes so easy when I use it!
Me and this brush = love!
F84 - Angled Top Kabuki
"The F84 Angled Top Kabuki brush is the perfect brush for precise, yet blended application of products on the cheeks. It seamlessly applies cream, powder and liquid products. Features synthetic Sigmax HD fibers."
Aceasta pensula am folosit-o in special pentru bronzer si ocazional pentru blush (pentru ca am preferat F82-ul pentru asta). Este foarte densa si ia mult produs, deci aplicarea devine foarte usoara si se rezolva din 3-4 miscari. :)
I used this brush mainly for bronzer and ocasionally for blush (because i prefer to use F82 for that). It's very dense (like all of them) and pics a lot of product, so the application is done very easily...in 3-4 moves. :)
- si la spalare s-au comportat minunat. Nu a cazut niciun fir de par, si-au pastrat forma si sunt la fel de moi.
- the washing was a great experience too. They didn't loose a single hair, they kept their shape and they are as soft as they were before.
In final vreau sa spun cu mana pe inima ca imi plac toate aceste pensule si ca sunt incantata sa le am in colectia mea.
In the end I want to say that I'm in love with all of them and that I'm soooo pleased to have them in my collection. I just love Sigma products!
Si dupa cum stiti, acum va ofer sansa sa le aveti si voi in colectia voastra, organizand un GIVEAWAY!
And as you probably guessed, I'm offering you the chance to have them in your collection too, with a GIVEAWAY!
Acesta se va tine pe pagina oficiala de Facebook a blogului, iar regulile sunt extrem de simple:
The contest will be held on the official Facebook page of my blog and the rules are very simple:
- incarcati o poza cu pensula voastra preferata pe wall-ul paginii de Facebook Anda Zelenca - Make-up and Beauty, adunati 25 de like-uri la ea si ati intrat in concurs!
- castigatoarea o voi alege cu ajutorul random.org
- load a picture of your favorite brush on Anda Zelenca Make-up and Beauty's wall, gather 25 likes and you're in!
- the winner is going to be selected with random.org
This contest is INTERNATIONAL! There is absolutely no restriction!
Deadline: 25.08.2011
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