Today I want to talk about the Sigma Cleansing & Polishing Tool:
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc putin despre Sigma Cleansing & Polishing Tool:
I received it about a month ago and as usual, I took some time to test it before talking about it. It has a very cute packaging (like all Sigma products) and I have to admit that this little plastic box looks very good in my bathroom. I'm so in love with it!
L-am primit acum aproximativ o luna si as usual, mi-am luat ceva timp sa-l testez inainte sa va vorbesc despre el. A venit ambalat foarte frumos (ca toate produsele Sigma) si trebuie sa recunosc ca aceasta cutiuta de plastic arata foarte frumos pe raftul din baie.
Official description:
The brush heads:
in action! :)
♥ I had enough time to try all the brush heads, but the one I like the most is the soft brush!
- I use the medium head brush once a week and the firm brush once every two weeks. I don't need to use them more often!
(Am avut timp sa incerc toate captele, insa cel mai mult imi place cel pentru piele sensibila, cu perii cei mai moi. Este un adevarat rasfat pentru fata.
- capatul in doua culori, il folosesc o data pe saptamana;
- capatul cel mai dur, il folosesc aproximativ o data la doua saptamani;)
♥ I didn't find it to harsh on my skin like most people said. At first use, it's kind of strange, I have to admit, but you will get use to it quickly.
(Nu mi s-a parut prea dur pentru fata, cum am mai auzit. E adevarat, cand il folosesti prima oara e o senzatie mai ciudata, dar te obisnuiesti repede.)
♥ I used it with all the cleansing gels I have and they all worked, you don't need a special one, just use the one you have right now.
(L-am folosit cu toate gelurile de curatare pe care le am in dotare si a fost totul ok, deci nu este necesar sa folositi ceva special pentru el. Pur si simplu folositi ce aveti acum, functioneaza!)
♥ After use, my face feels really clean and smooth. And I think over time, it helps to heel acne scars too!
(Dupa folosire, intr-adevar imi simt fata foarte curata si fina. Cred ca in timp, ajuta si la vindecarea mai rapida a urmelor de la acnee.)
♥ Do I have to say that I loove how it looks? Sooo cute!:X:X:X
(Sa mai spun ca ador cum arata??? Sooo cute!:X:X:X)
You can buy it for 39$ from www.sigmabeauty.com
Puteti sa-l achizitionati pentru 39$ de pe site-ul www.sigmabeauty.com
or / sau
Do you want to try the Sigma Cleansing tool? Now you have the chance!
Doriti sa incercati si voi acest aparat? Acum aveti sansa! ☺
The contest will be held on the official Facebook page of my blog and the rules are very simple:
Acesta se va tine pe pagina oficiala de Facebook a blogului, iar regulile sunt extrem de simple:
- load a picture of your favorite make-up, review or random blog post from my blog on Anda Zelenca Make-up and Beauty's wall on Facebook, gather as much likes as you can, and you can win it!
(incarcati o poza cu machiajul sau review-ul sau oricare alta postare preferata de pe acest blog pe pagina de Facebook a blogului meu, adunati cat mai multe like-uri, si aveti sansa sa il castigati!. Persoana care aduna cele mai multe like-uri castiga premiul.)
This contest is INTERNATIONAL!
Deadline: 30.09.2011
Good luck!
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