Review: Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation


I know this post will be kind of controversial (because of all the different opinions about this foundation), but I promised a review and I'm keeping my word! And I guess this is the purpose of this find as many opinions and to be fully informed before we decide to buy a product. 

Stiu ca acest post o sa creeze oarecare controverse (deoarece sunt atate opinii diferite despre acest fond de ten), dar am promis un review si ma voi tine de cuvant. Iar in final, acesta este si scopul review-urilor, sa aflam cat mai multe pareri si sa fim cat se poate de informate inainte de a cumpara un produs.

"Up to 12 hours natural shine control, for a fresh matte finish. With chamomile to help calm, cucumber to help clarify and cotton to help control shine. Talc free, oil free, paraben free, fragrance free."

♦ I have it in 103, True Ivory, and I couldn't have choose it better, it matches my skin perfectly! Even though it has a sliiiightly pinkish undertone, because I have a neutral undertone, it's ok for me and it adapts to my skin.
♦ Am ales nuanta 103, True Ivory si se pare ca am facut alegerea perfecta! Se adapteaza tenului meu la perfectie si desi tinde spre un subton rozaliu, pe mine nu ma afecteaza deoarece eu am un subton neutru (nici rozaliu, nici galbui).

I absolutely love the packaging! It's so sleek and so nice to keep in hand. It has a rubbery matte finish and that makes me like it even more. Also, you can easily care it with you in your make-up bag because it doesn't occupy much space.
Pur si simplu ador ambalajul! M-a cucerit din prima clipa! Nu stiu de ce, dar ma trezesc mereu pipaindu-l! :)) Are un finish cauciucat si mat si probabil asta ma face sa il plac atat. De asemenea, este foarte usor de tinut in portfard, deoarece nu ocupa mult spatiu.

♦ The coverage is medium to low, but it gives such a healthy-glowy finish, that I may overlook that and use a concealer for any imperfections that aren't covered. So yes, it doesn't give a complete matte look, if you are looking for that. But I think a glowy-healthy look is better and it looks more natural! After I apply it, my face looks as if I don't even have any foundation on and that's a big plus!
Acoperirea este medie spre mica, insa confera un aspect atat de sanatos si glowy, incat pot sa trec peste asta si sa acopar eventualele imperfectiuni cu un corector. Deci da, nu da un finish complet mat, ci mai degraba unul natural, ceea ce mie mi se pare foarte ok. Dupa ce il aplic fata pare foarte neteda si nici nu ai spune ca am aplicat fond de ten.

It's a little watery and it's not as easy to blend as other foundations, but that's not a problem, you just need to insist a littleee bit more, that's all! I like to use it with my F50 brush from Sigma.
Este putin apos si din aceasta cauza nu este atat de usor de blenduit ca alte fonduri de ten. Insa aceasta nu este o problema, tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa insistati puuutin mai mult cu pensula/buretelul/degetele. Mie cel mai mult imi place sa il folosesc cu pensula F50 de la Sigma.

♦ It receives big plus from me because it doesn't have parabens and fragrance and because it's oil and talc free, just perfect for my acne prone skin.
♦ Mai primeste un mare plus din partea mea pentru ca nu are parabeni si parfum si pentru ca este oil & talc free. Aceste lucruri il fac perfect pentru tenul meu cu tendinte acneice.

♦ The resistance is about 5 hours on my face, so it not that long-lasting.
♦ Rezistenta este undeva in jurul a 5 ore, deci nu este atat de rezistent la transfer.

♦ It also contains zinc and salicilic acid, good for acne prone skin.
♦ De asemenea, contine zinc si acid salicilic, ingrediente foarte bune pentru tenul cu tendinte acneice.

♦ Aslo I want to say that I have tried the old version in the past and I absolutely hated it! Worst foundation I've ever tried!
♦ De asemenea, vreau sa va marturisesc ca am incercat si prima varianta a fondului de ten Stau Matte. A fost cel mai prost fond de ten pe care l-am incercat in viata mea!

So, I think the new one is 100% better and it will be a re-buy  for me!
Deci, din punctul meu de vedere cel nou este 100% imbunatatit si cu siguranta il voi re-cumpara!

Oh, and did I mention that it was dirt cheap? 5$!
Oh, si am uitat sa mentionez...l-am prins la oferta si a fost extrem de ieftin - 14 lei!

Now shoot! Have you tried it? Do you like it?:)



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