TAG: My make-up palettes


In primul si primul rand vreau sa va multumesc pentru cele 1.000.000 de accesari pe care le-a implinit astazi blogul meu. Asta inseamna ca aceasta pagina a fost deschisa de un milion de ori...omg!:) Nu pot sa va exprim ce fericita ma face acest lucru! Va multumesc din suflet ca sunteti alaturi de mine in continuare! Love you all!

First of all I want thank you all for the new record on my blog -  1.000.000 hits! This means that this blog was opened a million times...wow! You can't imagine the joy that this gives me! I can't express my happines, it means the world to me! I really want to thank everybody for sticking with me for all this time! Love you all!

Pentru post-ul de astazi m-am pus si pe traba azi si am facut poze tuturor paletelor pe care le detin . Nu am primit acest tag din partea nimanui, insa am vazut ca a circulat asa prin toata blogosfera (fara trimiteri exacte). Cu ocazia asta am facut si un inventar si am realizat ca am destul de multe (nu ca n-as fi stiut, dar parca e altfel cand le vezi pe toate la un loc), insa va spun cu mana pe inima ca nu regret, imi plac toate in felul lor si toate imi starnesc creativitatea intr-un mod diferit, deci comentariile de genul "o sa le folosesti pe toate in viata asta?" nu-si au rostul. :) Enjoy! :p

So...I decided to do the "make-up palettes tag" for today even though I didn't received it from anyone. It was quite popular this week in the blogosfere and with this occasion I did a little inventory with all the palettes I own (it's not like I didn't knew how many I  have, but it was different to see them all together). I know that I have more than I will ever need, but I love them all and they all stimulate my creativity in a different way...so comments like "are you going to use them in this life?" are meaningless. :)  Enjoy! :p

120 eyeshadows palette

Ga-de Jewels

Deborah Milano Stories (my first big make-up palette hi hi)

 4, 2, 3

Elf Beauty Encyclopedia - Sparke eye Edition

Elf Beauty Encyclopedia - Basic Eye edition

Urban Decay Naked Palette

Sleek iDivine
Oh so special, Monaco, Bad Girl

Nyx 10 Color Eyeshadow Palette & Nyx for your eyes only
 The Runway Collection, Mysetrious Brown Eyes

Sigma Dare palette

Nyx Glitter Cream Palette - Royal Violets

Royal Cosmetic Connections, Wet'n'Wild, Vera Valenti

Elf Quads
 Butternut, Nymph Dreams, Luxe, Silver Lining, Matte Mauve, Hazy Hazel, Brownstone, Punk Funk

Avon True Color Quads
  Golden Splendour, Lace Hues, Aquadelic, Lace Luxe, Electric Purple 

Avon True Color Quads - Old Edition
 Suede Nude & Denim Blues

Oriflame, L'oreal, Deborah

Elf Duo eyeshadows & eyeshadow creams, Estee Lauder, Playboy

That's all! :)



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