Stiu ca sunt putin intarziata cu prezentarea acestui produs, deoarece este in editie de Craciun, insa doar pentru ca au trecut sarbatorile nu inseamna ca nu mai este iarna, nu-i asa? Mai avem de indurat luni bune de frig. Si la urma urmei, consider ca acest set poate fi folosit pe toata perioada anului, nu doar in anotimpul rece. :)
I know I'm a little late with this review, because it's a "Christmas Edition" product, but just because the holidays have passed, it doesn't mean that the winter is over, right? We have months of "lovely" weather ahead of us! And after all, I believe that this set can be used all year round, not only in the winter time.
I know I'm a little late with this review, because it's a "Christmas Edition" product, but just because the holidays have passed, it doesn't mean that the winter is over, right? We have months of "lovely" weather ahead of us! And after all, I believe that this set can be used all year round, not only in the winter time.
Da, este vorba despre... / Yes, I'm talking about...
Mi-am dorit acest set inca de cand l-am vazut prima oara, deoarece contine 3 produse multifunctionale in nuante de care eu sunt indragostita si pe care stiu ca le voi folosi foarte des.
Pentru machiajul de zi cu zi aleg de obicei culori neutre pentru machiajul ochilor si prefer sa imi accentuez buzele, iar acest set se potriveste perfect pentru asa ceva. Chiar acum port pe buze rujul Cranberry. :)
Le voi lua pe rand si va voi povesti + arata modalitati de a purta fiecare produs din aceasta colectie.
I wanted this set ever since I first saw it, because it contains multifunctional products in shades that I love and I know I will use very often.
For my everyday make-up rutine I usually use neutral eyeshadows and I prefer to focus on the lips, and this set will do the job perfectly. Even now I'm wearing Cranberry on my lips and I looove it!
But let me tell you a few things about each product from the collection+ ways to wear them, because I told you, they are multifunctional.
I wanted this set ever since I first saw it, because it contains multifunctional products in shades that I love and I know I will use very often.
For my everyday make-up rutine I usually use neutral eyeshadows and I prefer to focus on the lips, and this set will do the job perfectly. Even now I'm wearing Cranberry on my lips and I looove it!
But let me tell you a few things about each product from the collection+ ways to wear them, because I told you, they are multifunctional.
Kohl Pencil - Mossberry
Poate cel mai multifunctional produs din colectie, creionul kohl Mossberry poate fi folosit atat pentru buze, cat si pentru obraji si ochi.
Maybe the most multifunctional product from the collection, the kohl pencil Mossberry can be used as lipliner, lipstick, eyeliner or blush.
Maybe the most multifunctional product from the collection, the kohl pencil Mossberry can be used as lipliner, lipstick, eyeliner or blush.
1. L-am folosit intai pe post de contur, apoi am colorat complet buzele si am aplicat putin gloss (first, I used it as lipliner and after that I filled my lips with it and I applied some lipgloss).
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click pe poza |
Bineinteles, el poate fi folosit doar pe post de creion pentru contur sau puteti sa faceti ca si mine si sa-l folositi pe post de ruj. Rezista o vesnicie (of course, it can be used just as lipliner or you can do as me and use it as a lipstick. It lasts forever.)!
2. A doua modalitate in care puteti folosi acest produs este pe post de eyeliner sau baza pentru fardul de ochi (the second way you can use it is as eyeliner or as a base for your eyeshadow).
Deoarece este putin cam uscat, mi-a fost destul de greu sa-i fac un varf, deci pentru persoanele mai neexperimentate, este destul de greu sa fie folosit pe post de eyeliner. In rest, este excelent ca baza pentru farduri sau pentru efecte speciale, dupa cum puteti vedea in ultima poza (because it's a little bit dry, it was a little hard to use it as an eyeliner, so if you aren't so experimented with using eyeliner, it might be hard for you. But it's excelent as a base or for special effects, as you can see in the last picture).
3. A treia varianta (the third way you ca use it) - ca fard de obraz (as blush).
L-am gasit usor de folosit si pe post de blush si chiar mi-a placut efectul si culoarea (I find it easy yo use as blush and I really like the effect and the color that it gives to my cheeks).
Fenberry Blush
Acest produs l-am folosit doar in scopul in care a fost creat - ca fard de obraz. Este o culoare care ar merge si pentru putin contouring, insa eu prefer sa il folosesc doar ca blush. Culoarea este superba si foarte pigmentata, asa cum ne-au obisnuit cei de la Sleek. De asemenea, aplicarea este usoara si se intinde uniform. Cantitatea este si ea destul de mare (8 grame) si probabil ma va tine o buna perioada de timp.
I used this product only for the purpose it was created - as a blush. It's a color that can be used for contouring too, but I prefer to use it only as blush. The color is gorgeous and it's very pigmented, as all the blushes from Sleek. Also, it's easy to apply and the quantity is more than enough - 8 grams. Probably it will take me a good period of time to use it.
I used this product only for the purpose it was created - as a blush. It's a color that can be used for contouring too, but I prefer to use it only as blush. The color is gorgeous and it's very pigmented, as all the blushes from Sleek. Also, it's easy to apply and the quantity is more than enough - 8 grams. Probably it will take me a good period of time to use it.
Cranberry Lipstick
Produsul meu preferat din colectie (desi mi-a fost greu sa aleg intre el si creionul kohl Mossberry) este acest ruj care este MAT si poate fi aplicat in mai multe feluri. Desi la prima impresie pare foarte inchis, in momentul in care il aplici pe buze, nuanta este mai vibranta si mai vie.
My favorite product from the collection (it was hard to choose betwen this and the Kohl pencil though) is this MATTE lipstick that can be applied in multiple ways. Although at first sigt might seem to dark, when you apply it on the lips the color is more vibrant and "alive".
My favorite product from the collection (it was hard to choose betwen this and the Kohl pencil though) is this MATTE lipstick that can be applied in multiple ways. Although at first sigt might seem to dark, when you apply it on the lips the color is more vibrant and "alive".
Am ales sa va arat 3 modalitati de a il purta PE BUZE (I chose to show you 3 ways you can wear it on your lips):
1. Stain (pata) - aplicati o mica cantitate pe buze, iar apoi intindeti totul cu detegetul (apply a small amount on your lips and blend it with your finger):
Daca aveti buzele crapate (sau muscate si maltratate, ca ale mele *lol*), are tendinta sa intre in acele crapaturi, insa pe mine nu m-a deranjat prea tare (if you have chapped lips (or bitten and tortured as mine *lol*), it tends to go into those cracks, but it didn't bother me that much).
2. Aplicat in cantitate medie (applied lightly), de data aceasta am conturat putin cu o pensula pentru buze (this time I used a lip brush for a better precision):
3. Sexy lips - aplicat cu foarte mare grija in cantitate mai mare. Pentru un efect si mai "glamorous", puteti sa aplicati putin gloss (applied carefully in a larger amount. For a more glamorous effect, you can add a little lipgloss).
* si acest ruj poate fi purtat cu usurinta pe post de blush (this lipstick can be used as a blush too)
Puteti gasi acest set pe Makeup-shop.ro, la pretul special de 55.25 lei.
That's it!
Sper ca v-a placut si ca vi s-a parut util acest review (HTH)!
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