This time I want to do something different with my monthly favorites and I'm going to include some non-beauty items to spice things up a little bit.♥ I noticed that this is a trend on Youtube and I kind of like it, because I find it more enjoyable to watch/read and more personal than a normal beauty favorites post. Hope you will like it!
M-am gandit ca de data aceasta sa includ si unele produse non-cosmetice in aceste postari pentru a face lucrurile putin mai interesante. Am observat ca deja este un trend pe Youtube si recunosc ca prefer clipuletele/postarile de genul si ca le gasesc mai interesante. Astfel veti putea afla mai multe lucruri despre mine si despre ce imi place sa fac in viata de zi cu zi. :) Sper sa va placa noua abordare!
So here are my favorites of the month:
I have really been enjoying this foundation lately! It's perfect for summer because it's light, but it covers pretty well my imperfections. Also, it has shimmering particles in it and it reflects the light. I find it similar to Wake Me Up foundation from Rimmel, but this one is actually less hydrating, which is a good thing for me, because I have oily skin.
Mi-a placut foarte mult acest fond de ten in ultima perioada deoarece are o consistenta usoara, dar in acelasi timp imi acopera destul de bine imperfectiunile. De asemenea, are particule stralucitoare in el, care reflecta foarte frumos lumina. Il gasesc destul de asemanator cu fondul de ten Wake Me Up, tot de la Rimmel, insa diferenta ar fi ca acesta este mai putin hidratant. Totusi, daca aveti unul dintre ele, consider ca nu este nevoie sa mai cumparati si cealalta varianta, sunt destul de asemanatoare. Eu le iubesc pe amandoua!
This time I'm loving this bronzer & highlighter from Yves Rocher for a different reason (you already know I love the bronzer part). I've been using the shimmering highlighter (which is kind of dark for a highlighter anyway) as an eyeshadow and I absolutely love it. It gives an amazing metallic-bronzy finish, which is perfect for summer! I'm in love!:X
De data aceasta va prezint acest produs pentru un motiv diferit (stiti deja cat imi place partea cu bronzer-ul, daca nu ma insel a mai aparut pe la favorite). Am folosit in ultima perioada partea cu highlighter-ul (care este oricum prea inchis pentru a fi folosit in acest scop) pe post de fard de pleoape si arata absolut minunat!!! Da un finish metalic si "sunkissed", perfect pentru vara. M-am indragostit!:X
You already know how much I love it, because I have a review for this mascara HERE! Basically, it gives me amazing volume and lenghtening at the same time and that makes the perfect mascara in my opinion. I've never expected a bio mascara to be that good.
Stiti deja ca imi place foarte mult acest rimel, deoarece i-am facut un review de curand (pe care il gasiti AICI). Practic, imi place pentru ca ofera volum incredibil, dar si alungirea promisa, iar aceste aspecte fac un rimel perfect din punctul meu de vedere. Nu m-as fi asteptat de la un rimel bio sa fie atat de bun, dar se pare ca m-a surprins. :)
Crazy color for summer! Need to say more? :X You can see this nail polish in a NOTD HERE!
O culoare aproape neon, perfecta pentru vara! O port la picioare chiar acum!:X De asemenea, o puteti vedea intr-un NOTD AICI.
Review coming soon. ♥
Review in curand. ♥
This is one of my signature perfumes, I will always love it and I will buy it as long as they will keep producing it! I prefer to wear it in the summer because it's the perfect combination for the hot days. It's fresh, but kind of sweet in the same time. This month I finished it and I can't wait to buy another one!:X
As putea spune ca acesta este unul dintre parfumurile care ma reprezinta cel mai mult. Il voi iubi mereu si il voi cumpara atata timp cat va fi fabricat. Nu poate sa lipseasca din colectia mea! Imi place sa-l port in special vara, deoarece este combinatia perfecta intre fresh si dulce. Luna aceasta l-am terminat (in poza este stila goala) si abia astept sa il cumpar din nou!:X
I bought these earrings from H&M almost a month ago and since then, I've been wearing them like crazy. They were really cheap and I know they won't last forever so I might wear them as much as I can, until the color wears off, right?:))
Am cumparat acesti cercei de la H&M, acum aproximativ o luna si de atunci, i-am purtat aproape zilnic. Au fost foarte ieftini si stiu ca nu o sa reziste o vesnicie, asa ca mai bine profit acum si ii port cat mai des, nu-i asa?:))
My "Rabbito" phone cases (they are not really Rabbito, because they only make cases for iphones, but you can find everything you want on ebay these days :D)! I've been OBSESSED with them! At first, I bought the pink one, but because I love them so much I had to get some more! They are soooo cute and girly!:X If you are curious, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy Gio, and you can find the cases HERE.
Va prezint husele mele "Rabbito" (in ghilimele, pentru ca nu sunt chiar Rabbito, acelea sunt fabricate doar pentru iPhone, insa pe ebay se gaseste orice :D). Sunt absolut OBSEDATA de ele!:)) Initial am cumparat-o doar pe cea roz, insa pentru ca le iubesc atat de mult, a trebuit sa mai cumpar cel putin inca doua nuante!:)) Sunt atat de cute si girly!:X Daca sunteti curioase, telefonul meu este Samsung Galaxy Gio si puteti gasi husele pe care eu le-am cumparat AICI. Se gasesc pentru mai multe modele de telefoane.
I love, love, love UK magazines! I might consider buying them once in a while, even though they are so expensive here in Romania. These ones were acutally gifts from two friends: Ale and Sandra. Thank you girls, you made me happy!:* I like them both, but for the content, I prefer Glamour, it's more "complete". And for the design and layout, Company is really interesting too. It has the concept of a little book, with the non-glossy pages and it's not as comercial as the other magazines are. You should buy it if you have a chance, it's pretty cool!
Ador, ador, ador, revistele din UK. Chiar ma gandesc sa le cumpar din cand in cand si de aici din Romania (Inmedio), desi sunt mult mai scumpe decat pretul lor initial. Dar pentru continut chiar merita, pentru ca sunt foarte complete si au foarte multe articole, in special Glamour, care are aproximativ 300 de pagini lunar si nu, nu e plina de reclame. Si Company este super interesanta, deoarece merge pe un alt concept, mai putin comercial. Layout-ul si design-ul sunt foarte interesante si diferite si imi place foarte mult ca este facuta ca o carticica, paginile nu sunt glossy. Vi le recomand pe ambele, sunt super! Ambele reviste au fost primite de la niste prietene dragi, care acum studiaza in UK. Mai exact Sandra si Ale (pe Ale o stiti de aici). Multumesc fetelor, stiti ca m-ati facut fericita!:)
Favorite song?
Katy Perry - Wide Awake ♥♥♥
Favorite phone app?
"WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends."
I discovered this app pretty late, but it's really cool, you should try it. Basically, you can chat with your friends from your contact list, via WI-FI or 3G if they have What'sApp too. Love it!
Am descoperit destul de tarziu aceasta aplicatie, dar chiar e cool, trebuie sa o incercati si voi daca detineti un smart phone. Practic, puteti vorbi ca prin SMS-uri cu persoanele din agenda voastra telefonica, prin WI-FI sau 3G, insa doar daca au si ei instalata aceasta aplicatie. Prinde bine cand nu aveti credit, believe me!:))
Favorite TV show?
Love, love, love it! I'm at season 4 right now. :) You MUST watch it if you haven't already!
Ador acest serial si sunt la sezonul 4 in acest moment. Presimt ca nu o sa imi ia prea mult sa il termin!:)) Trebuie sa il urmariti, daca nu faceti asta inca!:)
What were your favorite products this month?
Care au fost produsele voastre preferate in aceasta luna?
100% Pure Cosmetics
Favorites of the month
Mario Badescu
reviste glossy
Rimmel London
Salvador Dali
Yves Rocher
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