I promised in Saturday's post that I'll be back with my opinion about the new Shine Attract lipstick from Avon. I apologise for the delay, I know I said this post will pe up on Sunday.
V-am promis in post-ul de sambata ca voi reveni cu un review asupra noilor rujuri Shine Attract de la Avon. Imi cer scuze totusi pentru ca nu am reusit sa postez ieri, asa cum am specificat in ultimul haul Avon.
I liked the revolutionary idea of this lipstick, wrapped in a layer of moisturising gel. And the fact that they are sheer, made me want them more (if we can't find Revlon lip butters in Romania, why not buy these?).
I really like this kind of lipsticks for everyday use, I can apply them everywhere, without the concern of having a mirror with me or arround me to be able to use it! I will certainly try other colors from this range!
Mi-a placut ideea revolutionara a acestui ruj, invelit intr-un strat de gel hidratant. Iar faptul ca sunt sheer, m-au facut sa mi le doresc si mai mult (daca tot nu avem la dispozitie Revlon lip butters).
Imi place sa am rujuri de genul, pe care se le pot aplica oricand, fara sa am o oglinda prin preajma. Cu siguranta am sa mai incerc si alte culori din aceasta gama!
I purchased the following shades: Natural Glow, Pretty Pink and Passionate Red and I can say I made some wonterful choices, they all suit me!
Am achizitionat nuantele: Natural Glow, Pretty Pink si Passionate Red si pot sa spun ca am facut niste alegeri minunate, mi se potrivesc toate!
Close pictures & swatches
- a very-natural peachy color / o nuanta foarte naturala, cu tente peachy;
- this is my favorite color, a pretty baby pink! / nuanta mea preferata, un baby pink foarte dragut!
- I've wanted for a long time a sheer red lipstick, a little bit stronger than my Nivea Fruity Shine Cherry lip balm. I'm so happy I finally found it!:X
- mi-am dorit de mult timp un rosu sheer, insa putin mai puternic decat vesnicul meu balsamul de buze Nivea Fruity Shine (Cherry). Ma bucur ca l-am gasit in sfarsit!:X
Let's recap:
- these lipsticks aren't so pigmented, but they really are shiny. From this point of view, they are kind of similar with a lip gloss;
- they really are moisturising too;
- the staying power is a bit disappointing, you have to take this lipstick with you and reapply it pretty often;
- they feel light on the lips and they aren't sticky;
- they contain SPF 15, which si always good;
- wide range of colors.
Sa recapitulam:
- rujurile nu sunt foarte pigmentate, dar sunt foarte stralucitoare. Din acest punct de vedere seamana putin cu un lip-gloss;
- sunt intr-adevar hidratante;
- rezistenta pe buze este mica, trebuie sa il luati cu voi si sa il reaplicati;
- se simt foarte usoare pe buze, nu incarca, nu sunt lipicioase;
- contin SPF15, un lucru intotdeauna bun;
- gama de culori destul de variata;
Pret: 18.99 lei (disponibil din campania 4).
Have you tried this lipstick? Which color did you choose and why? :)
Voi le-ati incercat? Ce culoare ati ales si de ce? :)