Another foundation that I wanted to talk about since forever, is:
Un alt fond de ten despre care planuiesc sa va vorbesc de mult timp, este:
L'oreal Le Teint Accord Parfait
♥I received this when I collaborated with nuntasic.ro for the bridal make-up looks and since then, I used it constantly, alone or in combination with a lighter foundation (the shade I have is a little bit to dark for me in the winter time).
♥L-am primit pe cand am colaborat cu nuntasic.ro pentru machiajele de mireasa si de atunci, l-am folosit destul de des, singur sau in combinatie cu un fond de ten mai deschis (deoarece nuanta pe care o am este putin inchisa pentru iarna).
♥L-am primit pe cand am colaborat cu nuntasic.ro pentru machiajele de mireasa si de atunci, l-am folosit destul de des, singur sau in combinatie cu un fond de ten mai deschis (deoarece nuanta pe care o am este putin inchisa pentru iarna).
♥It's the first L'oreal foundation I have ever tried, but I must admit, I'm impressed! Meanwhile, I tried the new Lumi Magique, but I will talk about that in another post...
Back to the new Accord Parfait...I don't know how the old one was, because I've never tried ir, but I love the formulation of this new one. Also, I consider it good for all skin types. Special Koko likes it, and she has dry skin...I am on the opposite side, with oily skin and I also love it. :) This must say something!
♥Este primul fond de ten L'oreal incercat de mine, si trebuie sa recunosc, sunt placut impresionata. Intre timp am mai incercat si Lumi Magique, dar despre el va povestesc intr-o alta postare.
Back to the new Accord Parfait...I don't know how the old one was, because I've never tried ir, but I love the formulation of this new one. Also, I consider it good for all skin types. Special Koko likes it, and she has dry skin...I am on the opposite side, with oily skin and I also love it. :) This must say something!
♥Este primul fond de ten L'oreal incercat de mine, si trebuie sa recunosc, sunt placut impresionata. Intre timp am mai incercat si Lumi Magique, dar despre el va povestesc intr-o alta postare.
Revenind la Accord Parfait, nu stiu cum era varianta veche, insa aceasta mi se potriveste perfect. De asemenea, il consider potrivit pentru orice tip de ten, deoarece ii place si lui Special Koko, care are tenul uscat, iar eu sunt la polul opus, cu tenul gras and I love it. :)
♥In my opinion, it covers my spots very well. I would say that it has a medium coverage, but it's buildable and if you layer it, you can reach full coverage (I don't like to layer it though);
♥Din punctul meu de vedere, acopera foarte bine si petele, as spune ca are putere de acoperire medie, dar este buidable si puteti ajunge la o putere de acoperire mare;
♥As I said, I have oily skin, but it behaves very well and it doesn't make me look shiny. I also like that it doesn't oxidize on the face after a few hours;
♥Dupa cum spuneam, am tenul gras, dar se comporta bine, nu imi face tenul sa luceasca si rezista foarte bine ore intregi. De asemenea, imi place ca nu oxideaza dupa cateva ore;
♥It has a light texture, it's easy to blend and it doesn't make my face look cakey;
♥Se simte foarte light pe ten, nu il incarca absolut deloc si se blenduieste usor;
♥It contains small gold shimmer particles (less visible than the ones in Photoready), that are ment to reflet the light.
♥Are in el mici particule aurii (mult mai putin vizibile decat la Photoready), care sunt menite sa reflecte lumina.
♥It has SPF17 and you can find it in a fairly wide range of shades. The one that I have is D3 - Golden Beige (a little bit dark for me right now).
♥Are SPF 17 si se gaseste intr-o gama destul de larga de nuante. Eu il am in varianta D3 - Golden Beige (putin cam inchis pentru mine pe perioada iernii).
♥The packaging is really elegant, made out of glass. It also has a pump that takes out just the right amount of foundation.
♥Ambalajul este foarte elegant, de sticla. Are si o pompita care dozeaza perfect cantitatea de fond de ten necesara.
If you want to make an idea of how it look on the face, here are some examples:
Daca vreti sa va faceti o idee despre cum arata pe fata, iata niste exemple:
Have you tried this foundation? Do you like it?
Voi ati incercat acest fond de ten? Ce parere aveti despre el?
If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment form below.
Daca mai aveti vreo intrebare, puteti sa mi-o lasati in formularul de comentarii de mai jos.
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