Review: L'oreal Lumi Magique foundation


Be aware, because this month and the next month you will see an avalanche of foundation reviews on this blog! :)) I have tried a lot of new ones lately and I can't wait to share my impressions with you guys!

Va spun de pe acum sa va pregatiti, pentru ca luna asta si luna urmatoare, vor urma cel putin 6 review-uri pentru fonduri de ten. :) Am incercat destul de multe in ultima perioada si abia astept sa imi impartasesc impresiile cu voi.

Today I will talk about a new foundation: L'oreal Lumi Magique Infusion of Light. Even though I have oily skin, and iluminating foundations are not the best for me, it was love at first sight ever since I saw the add. Since I tried Revlon Photoready and I loved it so much, this kind of foundations make me curious all the time and I can't help myself...I want to try them all! I have a weakness for foundations, don't judge! :))

Astazi am sa va vorbesc despre un fond de ten nou aparut pe piata: L'oreal Lumi Magique Infusion of Light. Desi am tenul gras, iar fondurile de ten iluminatoare nu sunt intotdeauna ideale pentru mine, m-a atras de cand l-am vazut in reclama pentru prima oara. De cand m-am indragostit de Revlon Photoready, sunt tentata si de alte fonduri de ten de acest gen si nu ma pot abtine. Plus ca imi place sa incerc mereu ce e nou pe piata. Am o slabiciune pentru fondurile de ten. :) 

I have the shade R2 Porcelaine Rose and even though I thought it will be too light for me, it's not. It matches perfectly!

Eu detin nuanta R2 Porcelaine Rose si desi initial mi s-a parut deschisa, nu a fost asa, se potriveste perfect cu nuanta tenului meu (acum iarna).

Even though it's an iluminating foundation, it doesn't have any shimmer particles in it, like other foundations that do the same thing. It's very interesting how it captures the light and I really wanted to do a swatch so you can see for yourselves. You can see it in the picture below, in comparison with L'oreal Le Teint Accord Parfait, which has a more matte finish.

Desi este un fond de ten iluminator, nu are particule stralucitoare, asa cum v-au obisnuit alte fonduri de ten de acest gen. Este foarte interesant modul in care capteaza lumina si pentru asta am tinut neaparat sa fac si un swatch, in comparatie cu L'oreal Accord Parfait Le Teint, care are un finish mai mat.

- it has medium to low coverage and I try to use it when I have "good face" days. However, it evens out my skin pretty good and the iluminating effect compensates the coverage. I recommend this if you like a natural, glowy & healty finish. 
- puterea de acoperire este medie spre mica si incerc sa il folosesc in zilele in care sunt multumita de fata mea, insa uniformizeaza frumos tenul, iar efectul de iluminare compenseaza puterea de acopeire. Vi-l recomand daca va doriti un finish natural, glowy, sanatos.

- it felt quite moisturising on the skin and I think it would be ideal for normal and dry skin. I, with oily skin, I have to use a powder on top and reapply if needed on my T zone, after a few hours.
- l-am simtit destul de hidratant pe piele si cred ca ar fi ideal pentru tenul normal si uscat. Eu, avand tenul gras, il folosesc impreuna cu o pudra si sunt nevoita sa o reaplic o data la cateva ore in zona T.

- it's light, it feels very natural on the skin and after it's fixed, you can hardly notice it on your skin. I like that! However, don't get me wrong, it covers pretty well small imperfections and it evens out my skin tone really good.
- este usor, se simte foarte natural pe ten, iar dupa ce se aseaza, aproape nici nu se observa ca l-ati aplicat. Totusi, nu ma intelegeti gresit, uniformizeaza frumos culoarea tenului si acopera micile imperfectiuni!

- are 30 ml, SPF 18, iar pretul este de aproximativ 60 lei. Il puteti achizitiona de AICI.

*Am primit acest produs spre testare din partea site-ului 

Have you tried this foundation? Do you like it?
Voi ati incercat acest fond de ten? Ce parere aveti despre el?



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