September 2013 Favorites!

This month I don't have that many products to show you... I didn't use that much make-up either because I was away on holiday in Greece and I didn't really need it...I was all day in the water and in the sun, so why bother with that? So unfortunately, this month will be really basic! 
But I have good news! Since I got back I found sooo many new (for me) and amazing products that I don't even know how I'm going to squeeze tham all in a favorites post! :)) 

Luna aceasta nu am atat de multe produse sa va arat, deoarece nu am folosit prea multe machiaje, fiind plecata in concediu la mare. In concluzie, tot ce va voi prezenta este putin mai basic.
Insa promit ca luna viitoare va fi una foaaarte interesanta, deoarece am descoperit deja, doar in prima saptamana a lui octombrie, o gramada de produse minunate! Nici nu stiu cum le voi inghesui pe toate intr-o postare cu favorite! :))

Favorite make-up products:
I'm showing you these three products because they where the only ones that matched my skin this month, after I arrived home looking like Beyonce (I wish!)! I used them all depending on what I needed that day: sometimes the Vichy BB cream  with the Avon mineral foundation on top, sometimes just the BB cream from Gosh and sometimes each one on their own! Meanwhile my tan is fading and I can use some of my foundations, but this three products were my saviors this month!

Va arat aceste trei produse deoarece au fost singurele care mi s-au potrivit (si tot erau o idee deschise) dupa ce m-am intors din Grecia aratand ca Beyonce (as vrea eu!)! Le-am folosit pe fiecare dupa nevoi, uneori crema BB de la Vichy combinata cu fondul de ten mineral de la Avon, alteori doar BB cream-ul Gosh, alteori fiecare individual, insa ideea este ca nimic din ce am in colectie nu mi s-a mai potrivit! :)) Intre timp mi s-a mai dus din bronz si pot sa-mi folosesc din nou multe dintre produse, insa acestea trei au fost o salvare pentru mine in luna septembrie.

I haven't tried any mascaras from Yves Rocher until this month! This one was a pleasant surprise because it does exactly what I need and want from a mascara: it gives my lashes volume and lenght, but it doesn't make them look clumpy!

Nu incercasem pana acum rimeluri Yves Rocher, iar acesta m-a surprins in mod placut. Mi se potriveste perfect si face exact ce imi doresc eu de la un rimel: ofera volum si alungire, dar nu incarca genele si nu le da aspect incarcat.

Favorite make-up brushes:
 Amazing brushes! Review HERE!
P.S.: Scuze pentru cea murdara! (Sorry for the dirty one!)

Favorite skincare product:
Benzoyl peroxide is the best thing ever for my skin! And I am so lucky that I don't have problems like irritations and stuff like that while using it! It keeps my acne prone skin under control and I thank God this exists in my life! :)

O Doamne! Brevoxyl a reaparut din nou pe piata, iar eu simt ca viata mea capata din nou sens! :)) Este singurul care imi tine tenul sub control si ii multumesc cerului ca nu imi provoaca niciun efect advers, nu imi usuca fata, nimic! Eu si crema asta suntem facute sa fim impreuna, asta e clar! :))

Favorite hair product:
A little bit heavier than the normal Batiste, it gives more volume and the refreshing effect lasts longer. It's more expensive than the classic one, but I think it's worth it! Long story short...I really like it!

Putin mai heavy decat Batiste obisnuit, ofera mai mult volum si mi se pare ca si efectul de "improspatare" tine mai mult. Este mai scump decat cel clasic, insa din punctul meu de vedere, este justificat! Pe scurt...imi place!

Favorite body care product:
Smells amazing and it doesn't leave a white residue. It seems like I am a fan of Balea deodorants, because this is the 3rd or 4th one I owned until now and I really liked them all!

Miroase extraordinar si nu lasa urme albe! Se pare ca imi plac deodorantele Balea, deoarece este al 3-lea sau al 4-lea pe care il incerc, iar pana acum, am fost multumita de toate!

Favorite fashion item:
 I've been looking for the perfect wallet/purse for a while now and it seems like I found it on ASOS! Isn't it pretty?
Am cautat mult timp portofelul ideal si iata ca l-am gasit pe Asos! Nu-i asa ca e frumos?

Favorite app:
 Great photo editor with great features! You know I love Instagram and Pixlr-o-matic and I love to put filters on my photos. Cymera is my latest discovery and I really love it!

Cymera este o aplicatie extraordinara pentru editarea pozelor! Stiti ca iubesc Instagram si Pixlr-o-matic si stiti ca iubesc sa pun filtre pe poze, asa ca acest program este exact pe gustul meu!

Favorite TV Show:
I will miss you, Dexter!!! I will miss you so much...I feel like a part of me died, that's how sad I am that this show has ended! :( If you didn't watch this TV Show yet, please do it for will love it!

Imi va fi atat de dor de tine, draga Dexter! Simt ca o parte din mine a murit o data cu acest serial...doar l-am urmarit atatia ani! :)) Daca cumva nu l-ati vazut inca, va rog eu, rectificati problema...faceti-o pentru mine!:))

Favorite song:
I love Ellie! Her music is so amazing and deep!:X
Explosions was my obsession this month! 

O iubesc pe Ellie! E atat de talentata si muzica ei este atat de profunda si calitativa!
"Explosions" a fost piesa mea favorita luna aceasta!

What were your favorite products this month?
Care au fost produsele voastre preferate in aceasta luna?



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