My favorite color this summer is pastel yellow and I've been wearing it like crazy on my nails *lol*! And because some of you reqested to see my manicure from the last it is!:) Hope you will like it, it's very easy to do!
Culoarea mea preferata in aceasta vara este galbenul pastel si deja l-am purtat obsesiv pe unghii *hi hi*! Iar pentru ca in postarea de ieri mi-ati cerut sa vedeti manichiura pe care am realizat-o, am facut cateva poze pentru voi. :) Sper sa va placa, desi este super simplista!
*sorry about my super-short nails!:D
Products used / Produse folosite:
1. Avon Nail Experts Revitacool Base Coat;
2. Avon Pro Nail + Sugar Candy;
3. Flormar Supershine Miracle Colors - U28;
4. All Sun Glitter Nail Polish - 75;
5. Gabrini Multivitamin - 402.
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