Review: Maybelline Affinitone 24h


It seems like I’m not able to keep my word regarding the foundation reviews. It always takes longer than anticipated for me to make an opinion and for this reason, from now on I won't make any promises so I won't not feel bad everytime I post one!:))

Se pare ca nu reusesc niciodata sa ma tin de cuvant in ceea ce priveste review-urile la fonduri de ten si mereu imi ia mai mult timp decat am anticipat initial. Din acest motiv, de acum inainte nu voi mai promite nimic, ca sa nu ma mai simt mereu intarziata de cate ori postez unul. :))

This is one of the foundations that I've been testing for some time now, and finally, it's time to share my impressions with you guys!

Acesta este unul dintre fondurile de ten pe care le testez de ceva timp si iata ca a venit momentul sa va impartasesc impresiile mele despre el.

Affinitone 24h Perfecting & Longlasting foundation
 *shade 21 Nude.


- made out of glass. It looks really pretty and youthful. I like that it has a pump, which helps you to use exactly the amount you need.
- de sticla. Arata frumos & tineresc si in acelasi timp calitativ. Imi place ca are si pompita, care ajuta la o dozare mai buna a produsului;


- it has medium coverage, but it's buildable. You will still need a concealer for the bigger imperfections, though!
- medie, insa este "buildable". Acopera foarte bine roseata si micile imperfectiuni, insa pentru pete mai pronuntate, este nevoie si de un corector.


- it won't last 24 hours on your face, that's for sure! That would not be healthy for you, lol! On my oily skin it lasts for about 6 hours, but I think that on a normal / dry skin, it can last up to 8-9 hours. 
- nu rezista in niciun caz 24 de ore (lucru care mi se pare oricum absurd si total nesanatos), ci vreo 6 pe tenul meu, care este gras. Probabil pe un ten normal sau uscat ar rezista pana la 8-9 ore.


- what I like the most about this foundation is it's light consistency. It leaves your skin looking natural and you won't get that mask effect we all hate. Aslo, it's easy to apply and blend, whether you like to use your fingers, a sponge or a brush.
- lucrul care imi place cel mai mult la acest fond de ten este consistenta sa usoara. Lasa un efect foarte natural, il simt usor cand il aplic pe ten si nu lasa acel efect de masca pe care toate il uram! De asemenea, si aplicarea este foarte usoara, chiar daca preferati sa folositi un degetele, buretelul sau o pensula.

* it has FPS19 - which is always a plus!
*contine SPF 19 - care este mereu un plus!

30 ml

37.91 lei. Il puteti gasi aici.
$11.5 (in Romania). 

 And now, let's see if this foundation really does what it claims to do:
whitstands heat & humidity - only in the first hours after application!
sweat resistant - haven't tried it in the summer time, but I think it will last 3 hours at most on my face.
no-transfer: won't rub off - not true, it rubs off, especially on my phone;
- flexible, breatheable, all-day comfort - true!
- oil-free - non pore clogging - true!

Iar acum, sa vedem daca intr-adevar face ceea ce pretinde:
- rezistent la caldura si umiditate - doar in primele ore de la aplicare;
- rezistent la transpiratie - nu l-am incercat vara, insa nu cred ca ar rezista mai mult de 3 ore pe tenul meu.
- nu se tranfera, nu se sterge - fals, se sterge, observ asta in special pe ecranul telefonului meu;
- flexibil, usor, comfortabil - da, da, da!
- oil-free, nu incarca porii - adevarat.

Have you tried this product? Do you like it?
Ati incercat acest produs? Ce parere aveti despre el?

  *produsul a fost primit spre testare. 


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